Creatures 400 Days: ImmortalHD

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 A/N: New thing. Ey ey ey. This'll be a...  Creature version of The Walking Dead: 400 Days. For the roles, some of the guys will play two or more characters. Because... I dunno?? All I want to be sure of, is that none of the MAIN CHARACTERS share the same Creature. Other than that? Fuck it. 

Imma change multiple things, by the way. Like simple convos and shit. So sh. 


Russel: ImmortalHD/Aleksandr 


Vince: UberHaxorNova/James

Danny: Slyfoxhound/Eddie

Justin: Kootra/Jordan

Bonnie:  ZeRoyalViking/Ze/Steven

Lealand: Kootra/Jordan

Dee: Sp00n/Nick

Wyatt: SSoHPKC/Seamus 

Eddie: Slyfoxhound/Eddie [LOLOLOOLOOASKOSUHS]

Shel: DanzNews/Dan

Becca: Sp00n/Nick

Stephanie: UberHaxorNova/James

Roman: Kootra/Jordan

Boyd: Slyfoxhound/Eddie

Clive: ZeRoyalViking/Steven

Joyce: SSoHPKC/Seamus

 Roberto: ImmortalHD/Aleksandr 


Story: Immortal's Story

Pairing involved: Sorta ImmortalAnex. IDK? 

Warnings: Language, murder, stuff.


[ Third POV; Following Aleks ]

"Fuck, I still have a long ways to go..." Aleks grumbled to himself, glancing at the map he held in front of him. "I'm sure I can make it though... Maybe in a week or so..." He sighed, crumpling the map into a ball. He shoved it into the backpacks side pocket. 

Glancing to the side, he saw that he was surrounded by woods. Trees, grass. Dead grass, dead things. If he wanted to make it there alive, he'd have to be careful. He started out slow again. Keeping his pace steady, careful not to tire himself out. Not even 20 steps and he already heard a vehicle coming. 

He didn't want to be shot. There are crazies out there, Zombies weren't the only things to be worried about. Panicking, Aleks jumped off of the road and crouched down, laying next to a dead body in the grass. Hopefully dead, fully dead, not going to be moving any time soon. He held his breath, the rotting smell of the corpse made his eyes water. He kept flat against the ground. 

Late, he was too late. The sound of the breaks of a car squeaking to stop was close. Close meant right in front of him. 

"You going to stay down there with your boyfriend all day?" A deep, gruff voice sounded out. He scowled and looked up. He pushed himself off of the ground, dusting himself off, before looking at the man who sat in the truck. Asian. At least half. 

"I wasn't doing anything." He retorted, fixing his backpack strap. 

The man chuckled under his breath, giving him a knowing look. "I don't care about what you do with any bodies you find. You gonna hop in, Aleks?" The stranger patted the passenger seat. 

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