Chpt 2 (FINALLY!)

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****Hey I know some of you are probably upset that I haven't updated this book in forever. I've been super busy!! Senior pictures, getting clothes, supplies, and trip to Florida before summer ends. So I do apologize for that!! On to the story! ****


Hey, it's Niall, today's the 2nd week that I've been in this new school. I can't complain too much, it's honestly better than my last school.... Harry and Lou (Louis) are getting quite close these past few days, I'll have to ask Harry if something is actually going to happen. So this feeling I have about Liam I'm positive is true, because I asked my dad a couple days ago and he said '"If he smells like a dog, it could mean both; he's got a dog or he is a wolf. Niall you can only surely tell when you get close enough and really smell his hair. We wolves have a natural sent in or hair, give him a hug and smell."' Real obvious right? NO! How am I going to get Liam to hug me? ... I'll have to figure that out later. I'm more focused on this dangerously attractive male, his names Zayn Malik, found that out finally! 

Zayn is said to be the bad kid of school; he skips school constantly, back talks the teachers and never picks up his trash..sorry that last one irritates me to no end! Littering is no joke, animals die everyday from human trash.. it's sad really.. Anyways back on topic, Zayn, he's also really intimidating. I'm gonna approach him tomorrow, introduce myself a little and than maybe ask him to hang out after school or whenever is best for him... 

Well that brings me to the end of todays entry! Write in you soon Journal. 



***Yeah I know it's short...I kinda suck at writing... tell me what you think in the comments!! Don't forget to VOTE! :D Have a good summer everyone!! AND When does school start for you guys? Mines at the end of this month > Aug 30th 

Love you all!! 


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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