chapter 4

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Ross's Pov
I woke up in a white room and heard people talking.

Dr.Claude: ah,Mr.lynch your up.

Ross:I guess, what happened

Dr.Claude:you and your friends and family were in a major crash.

Ross:WHAT,are they okay.

Dr.Claude:yes, but 2 of them

Ross:what which two.


Calum and Raini:Were here!!

Ross:raini calum!!

Dr.Claude:as I was saying,2 of them are in a coma,and those two are Lau-

Stormie and Mark:oh my baby's(they weren't at the beach so they didn't crash).

Dr.Claude: Never mind I'll tell you later*leaves*

Ross:ok??. Hey is Riker,Rydel,Rocky,Ryland,Ratliff okay.


Ross: okay.*sighs of relief*WAIT WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER THREE!!

Caini and lynch parents: okay at least. *whistles*


Mark: well you see Vanessa and laura were both in the very back seat and when the semi hit the front of the semi made a turn and caused the very long back to hit them and your car to flip and glass went and scratched them and when the semi hit they went forward and hit there heads hard.

Ross:so Laura and vanessa are the!!(tearing up)how bad did the accident look like?

Raini:well we weren't there but some kid got a picture of what the car looked like after they got you guys out*shows him it*

Raini:well we weren't there but some kid got a picture of what the car looked like after they got you guys out*shows him it*

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Wow.I wonder why I have someone screaming Vanessa in my ear.oh right.

~flash back~
I looked at the semi coming our way and then looked back at Laura and Vanessa..Laura and Courtney were fighting again but then Vanessa said "Riker look out" and then I saw the semi spinning out of control,and the yelling stoped.I looked black and saw Vanessa almost flying out of her seat,and then the back of semi coming to hit the back of the car.Laura saw and put her arm around Vanessa to protect her and then Vanessa did the same and then it hit them and Vanessa hit her head first and Laura screamed "Vanessa" and she hit her head and then it went black.
//////////end of flashback\\\\\\\\\\\


Sorry it's short I got to sleep.....I'm only up because of I woke up.

Romeo:Ross goes two see Courtney

Juliet:Ross goes to Laura

Father:Courtney and Ross fight

Wedding:all of above.

Luv. Ya guys

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