Chapter 19

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Laura's Pov.
We rushed in the ambulance going to the hospital. I'm starting to get sick of that place. In the ambulance I was holding her hand.

Why,why did she do it? Because I did it? Would she of done it if I didn't? Those where the questions going through my head..if I can go back and change history I would. I would stop me from picking up the blade. I would stop me from fighting with Ness.

As I let the tears slip, Ross was comforting me. He was holding my shoulder. Telling me it will be okay. But how will it? First my parents. I don't know if I already told you it was them, but I am now. I know you guys guessed it,but, it lifts a lot of weight off my shoulders.

We were finally at the hospital. They rushed her out while we ran out. They put her in a room while we had to wait.

Besides the Lynch's, all I had was her. I know they are a lot of people. But she was my blood sister.

I can't believe this was happening. No. No. No.

I'm just going to wake up and run up to my sister and say sorry.

I squint my eyes closed, hoping to wake up.

I didn't.

I mentally screamed. I slid down the wall. Sobbing. I feel a pair of arms around me. Ross.

Ross: it's going to be okay. She won't leave you. You guys love each other to much.*kisses her forehead* I love you.

Laura: I love you too.

I lean my head on his shoulder and thought about the past.
___________Few Hours Later__________

Right now I'm in my bedroom with Ross crying. I can't. I can't do it. The news I just heard. Well an hour ago. He's even crying. She was like his older sister.

This was tragic. I lost her. I'm lost.

The last words I said to her were don't go.

You know what. I said and heard those words so many times. I'm tired of it.

Dont Go. Dont go. Don't go. That's all I heard the past's terrible. It's sickening to my ears. It makes me want to cry.

Losing her. Made me lost.
___________Few Hours ago_____

I was pacing around in the waiting room. It's been a hour since we came here with her.

All of a sudden I hear the words "Vanessa Marano"

We all look up. He gave us a sad look.

Dr: I'm sorry. She's gone.

Then he left.

I couldn't move. Breathe. I just stood there and let it sink in.
It couldn't be real. Could it? When it sink in..I cried.

All of a sudden I let out a scream. I fell to my knees and sobbed.

I felt tons of arms around me. Lots of sobs.

All I said was"dont leave. Dont go."

I look up at Ross. He looked down at me. I locked up at his hazel eyes. They were fill with tears. I connected his lips with mine. They were salty from his tears.

We let go and cried in each others arms.

I'm telling you again. I'm sick and tired of ' dont go'

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