The Mind Of Blake Lively |3|

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The human body has two mechanisms it uses when faced with sudden great and impending danger.

It's a mechanism people use all the time whether they realize it or not.

It's called the Fight or Flight reaction.

I stand there a bit worried as I take in all the things in their hands: A gun, a metal stick, 2 spray paint bottles, another gun and a pocket knife.

"Wow. Would you look at the time. I really must be on my way. Gotta blast". I say kicking into mechanism 2: Flight.

I sprint again for the third time today. This is getting ridiculous. Why can't I do this in P.E. when it's needed?

I hear multiple footsteps behind me and it doesn't take a genius to know that they're running after me.

And boy, were they faster than me. A couple seconds later, I felt a arm wrap around my waist from the back and turn me to face whoever caught me.

It was Jay.

"Please don't kill me. I swear if you want me to I'll say I never saw you here, you know only if they ask. If they don't then it'd be weird to just say it and then they'd know that I indeed did see you here. Which I guess would give it away but instead of killing me you could just change your name and identity - if you want to of course - and skip the country. All 5 of you, so they can't question you guys. I won't utter a single word that doesn't mean 'I know and saw absolutely nothing' and then they'll have to give up because they have no witnesses and no leads. See? Problem solved just please don't kil-".

"-I think she's on some type of drug". Bryan says taking a step back.

"That would explain the talking". Luke says following Bryan's movements.

Jordan comes over to place a hand on my forehead. "She's got a fever so you might just be right".

"She must be on drugs every day then". Dylan says while playing around with the pocket knife.

"I am not drugs". I defend.

"That's exactly what someone on drugs would say". Jay says tilting his head to the side. The way he tilted it made it seem like he was about to kiss me and once I finally register where his hands are, I start to feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

"Please let go of my waist". I whisper as low as I can hoping he'd hear. I don't want to have to say it any louder. We weren't that far in height - meaning he wasn't towering over me so I'm assuming he heard me.

I assumed correctly because moments later his grip on my waist loosens and he takes a step back. "Don't run". He warns and I stay glued to my place.

"First of all, what are you doing here"?

I should be asking him that question. He's the one with all the weapons.

"I was... Um. Finishing up an essay".

"Then why'd you come running down like your life depended on it"? Jordan asks tossing his gun up in the air and catching it with ease.

This was the embarrassing part. "I was um... Running from an evil demon".

"Oh ... Right. Ok alright that's normal". Jay says awkwardly nodding his head as the others laugh.

"Jay". Dylan says stopping the laughter. "It's time man, any later and we're screwed".

What they're talking about sounds extremely child friendly.

Note the sarcasm.

I sure as hell wasn't about to ask and risk involving myself in something dangerous.

"Alright. Here's what we're gonna do. The school is locked alright? So you're gonna go through that broken window right there - watch out for broken glass - and forget you ever saw us here ok"? Although he was asking, his voice was so strong and deep that it came off sounding more like a command.

I don't need to be told twice.

"Ok". I say as I go through the window and sprint - fourth time today - to my house.

I've done enough running exercise today to last me a year or two.


"You should've called"! My brother says scolding me. "I was worried sick! Heck I called the police! The only reason they didn't search for you is because I have to wait 24 hours before trying to file for a missing person report".

I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"I —".

"— Don't want excuses"! He says not giving me a chance to talk. "One question and one question only: Was there a guy involved"?

"No". I lie. You don't understand my brother. He is very overprotective.

Like to the level that if he wasn't my brother you'd think he was creepy.

I can't be alone with another boy (unless it's him, my dad or a family relative) for more than 3 minutes or else my brother panics and has a heart attack.

One time I had Tyler over without informing him and he pulled out a shot gun.

He was licensed but boy was he crazy.

Tyler hasn't come to my house since. But that didn't stop us from hanging out and I'm glad.

So imagine the death I'd cause if I told him there was - not one - but five boys involved. His tombstone would read 'Murdered By Sister'.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Alright well dinners on the table, I'm going out for drinks since we have none. Also mom and dad said they'd be back in a week". He says grabbing his keys and I nod. "Don't leave the house, don't throw a party and remember don't –".

"– Don't have boys over. Yah I got it".

"Alright. Be safe. See you in a bit Blake".

"See you later Dan". With that he exits the house and I release a sigh. Older brothers are so dramatic or at least mines is. I go to pull out my phone from my bad and realize one very important factor I've been forgetting.

When I collided with Jay (before the whole running away once I saw the weapons) I dropped my bag, which has my phone. That I didn't pickup.

Nice going dumbass. The voice in my head says and I sigh. I'm not going back but please for the love of God let one of them pick it up for me and not snoop.

The Mind Of Blake Lively Where stories live. Discover now