The Mind Of Blake Lively |5|

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"I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested". Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory says and I chuckle while grabbing another fistful of popcorn.

Oh Sheldon. You need serious help. But it's ok because everyone else does too.

I continue watching and my phone beeps with a message. I sigh and pause the show since I was catching up on demand. I look down and the message is blocked because it's an unknown number. I debate about whether or not to click accept and in the end I accept it anyways.

||Unknown|| Hey Pole Girl

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Pole girl? That has to be either Jay or Jordan. I mean none of the other guys called me that besides them two.

But that's still weird because... I didn't give any of them my number... And my phone had a password...

||B|| Mhm Pole Girl? Sounds like a stripper name. Wrong number.

I say testing the waters. If the person gets offended, then it's Jordan.

Otherwise it's Jay.

And I really really wanted it to be Jay.

||Unknown|| Wrong number? Mhm that depends doesn't it? Are you a real stripper?

I blink a bit taken back by the question. This was definitely Jay.

||B|| That's for me to know and for you to find out.

||Unknown|| When exactly can I find out?

I think this just took a sexual turn.

||B|| Tell me your name and I just might give you a date for you to find out.

I wasn't really going to give him a date. I just really want a name.

"Who were you talking to"? My brother Dan asks hovering over me on the couch. I quickly close my phone and sit up a bit straighter.

"No one". I say sending him a smile.

"Then why were you looking down at your phone with a big goofy smile"?

"I was umm watching a funny video".


Shit. Ok come on. You can do this.

"A dancing pole". Well I truly suck.

"Blake I can tell when you're lying. But that was truly the worst answer you've ever given me to a question".

"Ok alright alright. Calm down. I was talking to Emily and Tyler in a group chat". Mistake number two.

"You told me Tyler doesn't text".

"Did I say Tyler? I meant Amy".

"You mixed up Tyler and Amy's names"? He asks taking a step closer to me. Well all chances of him believing me just went out the door. "Who are you talking to and don't lie to me because by now even I'm suspecting that it's a guy".

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know"? I half lie. Technically I didn't really know I just had a hunch that it was Jay. Apparently Dan didn't believe me because he grabbed my phone and turned it on. I watch as he puts in the password and my eyes widen.

The Mind Of Blake Lively Where stories live. Discover now