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   Lilith's POV

  "What are you gonna tell her when she wakes?" The voices are really light- almost to where I can't hear them. What the hell is going on? What happened?

     All I can feel is the painful sensation in my head and an anxious feeling. Last thing I could remember was almost dying and getting saved by Ryan.

That is not how it's supposed to go!

     I am not some damsel in distress! He can't expect me to fall to his feet because he saved me. No!

     I look around the room- my room. What are they doing in my house? Did he put me on this bed? I frown at the thought of him coming into my room and looking through my stuff.

      I get up, slowly unfortunately due to the ringing migraine I have. I must have passed out really hard.

     Tip toeing my way to their voices, which I can't quite hear anymore, I make sure to stay quiet.  I slowly grab the bat from the umbrella tub and get into position to swing at the intruders. Sure I've met them, but it doesn't give them a right to be in my home whenever they'd like.

Getting close to living room where they sat, I was about to attack when someone came up behind me and put their arms around me to where I couldn't move.

"What the fuck! Let me go!" I finally caught on when I see the Ricky and the tattooed bald guy on my couches grinning back at me and the stranger holding me.

"You guys leave. I have to have a serious conversation with her. I'll call if I need anything."

Ryan. Ryan was the one holding me tight against him.

Ricky nods, while baldy smirks. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," "Shut it Balz and leave."

Once they both leave, Ryan lets go and I immediately swing my bat. He lets out a loud groan. I'm about to go for another swing but he catches it with a tight grip. I let out a gasp when he snatches the bat from my hands and breaks it into two with his knee.

"That's enough!" I can't help but feel the authority in his voice and me to submit to it. What the hell is with this guy?

"Why are you still here? What do you want?"

     "Didn't I clearly tell you to stay indoors at midnight? I believe I did, so what's it to you that makes you want to die so much? Don't you get it? Everyone and everything wants to kill an innocent girl like you. You are a target and they won't hold back." By this time he's gotten closer to me with each word he spoke. I held my place, not backing up. I'm not going to show him he intimidates me.

     "Sorry for making you save me.I'm sorry I even called for you in the first place. It won't happen again." I go to turn away but before I could he goes to grab my arms and pushes me up against the wall to where I couldn't leave- or move in that matter.

     "I hate your big mouth," he whispers before attacking my lips with his. Dominating my own. His lips feels amazing and I couldn't help but kiss back. His hands go to my waist while mine go up to his neck, to his hair, to his jaw, to anything I could touch because I just can't get enough of touching him. The same for him as he was raiding his hand under my over sized hoodie. I was so close to riding up his own shirt before realizing what was going on.

     Before he could leave a mark on my neck I push him back. "You need to leave. Now! Leave right now!" I can't look at him in the eye. I want this. I really do. But I just met the guy and he's a huge dick. Him and his friends.

     Ryan leans in close once more whispering, "I'll be back to check up on you. Don't leave this house or else."

"Or else what?" I strike back. He will not threaten me in my own home.

     "Or else I will tie you to the bed myself. Maybe even naked." At that I turn red. Such vulgar words. "I- I think you should leave."  I stutter out. Where's my confidence when I need it?

     "Remember what I said sweet cheeks." Ryan turns to leave through the front door. I hate him so much for doing that to me and making me feel that way.

Stupid hormones. I'll blame those and him. Fuck him.


Enjoy x
Jessa 🎃

Darkness Oversees | Werewolf! Ryan Sitkowski AU Where stories live. Discover now