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Lilith POV

    Waking up next to Ryan, fully bare, was something I'd like to think was wrong but I couldn't help but feel if it was meant to be. After last night, I don't think I would be able to go to any other guy to satisfy me. Ryan ruined me from being with any other man but I won't ever tell him that. His ego is already higher than the Eiffel Tower.

    Feeling quite sneaky and naughty, I slip my hand down his torso, very lightly. My feather like touch went down until it was stop by the thin blankets covering his morning wood. My legs clench together at the thought of him pounding into me like a jack hammer. Too visual? Maybe.

      I shift myself, careful not to wake him, into a position where I was basically straddling his legs. I slowly lift the blanket off his manhood. Oh sweet baby Jesus. Any penis I saw before Ryan's were ugly little shits but now that I get a good look at Ryan's I can't help to just stare. That might be really weird but his penis actually looks decent. It's not ugly looking like other guys.

       I'm guessing the cold air kind of affected him because he moved a little in his sleep. Deciding not to waste anymore time, I took his thingy into my hand, which by the way didn't fit around him. Fucking huge mother fucker. No wonder he's too cocky for his own good. I jerk him a few times, taking the tip into my mouth. By this time Ryan was more than just moving in his sleep, he was groaning out a name. My name. My ego surely isn't as big as his so I'm feeling pretty great that it's my name he's calling out.

     I took more of him into my mouth before pulling back up. I glance up at Ryan. Well he's wide awake. I lick from the base of his cock to the tip taking it back into my mouth. Ryan's moans filled the air as his hands went to my hair.

"Oh baby. Please don't stop. Please don't."

      I look at him, his cock in my mouth. I wasn't planning on stopping. I continue to look at him as I took him deeper and deeper each time into my mouth.

       "That's right baby, deep throat me. Look at me when you swallow my cum." Ryan thrusted hard into my mouth.  My jaw was starting to cramp but I wasn't a quitter. I let it go loose, letting Ryan loose his control and fuck my mouth. God how filthy am I?

       "I'm coming. Go- coming," His hips starting thrusting even more, "baby look at me, look at me and swallow my cum."  I stare into his eyes, feeling the hot streams shoot out. His moans left his mouth while mine was filled with his semen.

Spitters are quitters.

      Ryan sat up, tugging me up to straddle his waist. "Baby you almost made me cum again just by swallowing my cum and looking at me with those innocent eyes." I grind myself against him, my bare pussy leaving juices on his stiff cock.

     "As much as I want to fuck you until tomorrow we have to get up. I have to speak with some important people about what's going on."

You have to be fucking kidding me.

     "I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you okay?" Ryan kisses my pouting lips. He gets up and start putting his clothes on. "What are you exactly going to discuss? Michael didn't seem that bad. He didn't look like he wanted to kill me!"

Ryan stilled for a moment as if he was trying to control himself. "Michael is a fucking vampire who wants you for himself! How can you just speak about him as if you know him? You don't Lilith!"

"Calm down-"

"No! Don't tell me to calm down. I'm going to leave before I loose my shit." Ryan slams his hand against the wall before leaving the room.

Well that took a turn. From blowing him to severely pissing him off. Wow Lilith you've done great. Well since he won't tell me why everyone supposedly wants me dead I'll just ask the blood hungry demon himself.

After taking a shower and dressing up I searched though my home looking for that piece of paper that had Michael's number on it. After two hours, and a bag of hot chips I found it. For some reason it was underneath the sofa.

     I grab my phone and dial the number. After a few rings I heard a very.... different type of voice.

"Hello my dear. I'm glad you called."

     "Um Michael right?" I want to make sure I called the right person. If not... that'd be awkward.

"Yes. And this is the beloved Lilith or am I wrong?"

"No you're right."

"When am I not?" He chuckles.

     "Look I was wondering if we could meet up? I want some answers and Ryan isn't giving me them."

      "He isn't giving much these days, huh?" I frown.  This guy is rude. "Look precious , I'll gladly answer some of your questions. On one condition?"

Of course. There's always a payment fee.

"What is it?"

"A kiss."


Michael is played by Michael Vampire said by Ally! Just wanted to let you guys know (:

Jessa 🎃

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