Las Vegas, Nevada, Memories

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Las Vegas, Nevada, Memories

Santana was pretty sure that her ears were going to be ringing for the rest of the day. When she told Brittany that they were going to California, the girl screamed so loudly she woke up half the block. Her mother thought a kidnapper had snuck into her room and they raced upstairs to find Brittany throwing clothes in a bag. To be fair, their fears weren't too far off as they looked outside to see Santana waiting for her to get all of her clothes and essentials ready. Brittany kissed both her parents goodbye and raced out the door before they could say no.

"Step on it!" She said, throwing her arms around Santana, causing her to swerve and nearly hit the mailbox while reversing.

"B! I'm driving." Santana said but she wasn't angry, she was laughing right along with Brittany. By the time they hit the highway, Brittany had calmed down a bit, despite still bouncing in her seat.

"I love you! I love you!" She kept repeating. Normally, this would've irritated Santana but she loved hearing those words so she shut her mouth and let Brittany work out her excitement. After an hour of nonstop bouncing, Brittany promptly fell asleep in her seat and Santana took this opportunity to take a few exits that weren't planned. She unfolded a list of sights to see before they reached California.

So for the next two weeks, Santana and Brittany travelled at a leisurely pace to San Francisco. They visited every uncelebrated tourist attraction, from the lunchbox gallery to the miniature museums that seemed to crop up in every state. They took a southwest direction of driving because Santana wanted to hit up the Painted Desert and Las Vegas before they made their way up the coast to San Francisco to where her cousins stayed. Brittany had never been to the west coast before and Santana made the journey every now and again with her parents, first by car, then by plane. She remembered when they were little driving through the Arizona desert and being awed by the multicolored mountains out the window. She wanted that experience for Brittany as well.

"San?" Brittany asked, her voice barely audible over the rushing wind.

"Mm?" Santana replied.

"Thank you." Brittany said, leaning her head against Santana's shoulder.

"For what?"

"For this. This has been the best summer I've ever had. I've seen so many cool things and being with you is amazing." Brittany grinned in the fading light and Santana knew she'd never seen anything quite so beautiful.

"I'm glad you're happy." Santana said, turning her head to kiss the mess of hair.

"I am happy, San. Even if we just stayed in Lima, I'd be happy with you."

"Ugh, you're so cheesy." Santana laughed. Brittany closed her eyes.

"You smell good." She said. The brunette shook her head. She smelled like cheap motel shampoo but Brittany had rotated herself so that she had her chin resting on Santana's shoulders, breathing in her scent. "You smell like Santana."

"And what does 'Santana' smell like?" She asked curiously.

"Mm..." Brittany smiled, thinking about it. " a humid summer night." She gently nibbled at Santana's ear, causing her to swerve.

"Jesus, B! Don't do that now! I'm driving." But Brittany raked her nails along Santana's exposed midriff, playing with the hem of her pants.

"Can you not be driving now?" Brittany asked innocently. Santana grumbled and pulled over onto the side of the road and practically lunged for the blond.

"You are so getting it. I'm making sure you sleep the rest of the car ride." Santana promised. Brittany in turn closed her eyes to the sensation of Santana biting and licking her skin.

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