Interactions between oc's I make and have made for my friends. I will add any OC that you give me (unless I already used the country)as a side character if I can get a picture/ description and their personality. A human name would be ideal. Each ch...
This is a important prologue! My oc's won't be in the character guide due to them having special features being my oc's. This includes the families and small bios from each oc's I have so far. Kawa out fam.
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It's me. Shetland. Obviously. F**k off Shetland Character song: self inflicted achromatic by vocaloid. Human name: Alsigire Kirkland Age: 15( not my actual age.) 1p or 2p: 2p raised as 1p Secret: she doesn't actually hate the BTT as much as she says. 2p Immediate family: 2p sealand the 2p Kirkland's and 2p Norway. (Wasn't raised by them) 1p family: Nordics, Kirklands, and technically America and Canada. Short bio: ran away from crazy 2p Kirkland's to 2p Russia and Luciano's house. Went through blue portal and appeared in forest. Was found by emotionless brother (age 3).Mama Britannia and father Scandia took me in. Mama Britannia and father Scandia disappeared. Big brother, icey, sve, Finny,and den moved to winter cabins. Everyone crying and arguing. Sea and me travel between both houses(age7) Death. Rome, gaul, Persia. China is the only one left. I'm sad. Even icey cried(Age 10). I now am old enough to travel between the 1p and 2p world. I can finally see Flávio and luci again. I looked back at my diary from my younger harder days and for the first time in years I smiled. I realized how many friends I've made,the good times like when nore and iggy taught me how to use magic. Then the bad times like meeting America. I'm finally......happy. (Age 13-15)
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Sicily Human name: Marcia Vargas Character song: lost one's weeping by vocaloid. Age: 18 1p or 2p: 1p Interesting fact: black mails Romano all the time. Family: north Italy, south Italy, Seborgia, and Naples. Short bio: was originally living with grandpa Rome but was adopted into mrs. Ancient Greece's family. After some time and training on how to be a badass was given back to grandpa Rome. Learned the art of black mail, and sarcasm. Currently pranks Romano with Shetland 24/7.
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Singapore Human name: Sayid Gupta Character song: tsugai kogarashi by vocaloid Age: 17 1p or 2p: 1p Interesting fact: Is more like Japan then the others. Family: Asia fam just......Asia. Short bio: it's complicated......(family issues)
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Venezuela Human name: Ricardo marinara Character song: pon pon pon by vocaloid. Age: 19 1p or 2p: 1p Interesting fact:spent too much time with America. Family: ..........Bolivia........yeah.(he has a brother but doesn't find out until age fifteen when Bolivia let as him outside. Short bio: Because he was sheltered by Bolivia for half his life not living around any one except Bolivia became sad and lonely until he met America who taught him how to be a optimist. Now he tells everyone to be happy! Because he likes to make people happy he found his brother he never knew about.
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Human name: unknown. Character song: Anti beat by vocaloid Age: 16 1p or 2p: 1p Interesting fact: Russia and Svalbard made his scarf, and because of that he almost never takes it off. Family: Russia, Belarus, Svalbard, and Ukraine. Bio: refused to answer due to childhood memories.
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Svalbard Human name:Kathrine Braginsky Character song: Plus boy ( fangirl) by vocaloid Age: 15 1p or 2p: 1p ( thank god) Secret: made scarf for Yuzhny Family: Russia, Belarus, Yuzhny, and Ukraine. Bio: Russia. Snow. Scarf. Mama come back. ( she couldn't take anymore and left after those words)
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Antarctica Human name: does not have one... Character song : Pierrot by vocaloid. Age: 19 1p or 2p: 1p Secret: is he looks like a model with out his glasses Family: Canada Bio: the first thing he saw was white. For years all he knew was white frozen blank space. He didn't know there was other life form except animals. It was lonely and cold. One day a man arrived and led him to what he called a ship They went in the ship and he saw that there is more to life than white snow. He currently visits other countries he has befriended and plays with penguins.