A Friend In Soul?

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Disclaimer: I unfortunately do NOT own Soul Eater ! :( .

Chapter 2~ A Friend In Soul?

Maka's Point of View~

I awoke in the morning to the laughing sun shining through my bedroom window. I yawned and stretched my back. 'I wonder if Soul is awake.' I stood up and slumped off towards my bedroom door.

The door creaked open and on the floor were my clean clothes from yesterday. I looked around the hall for Soul. Even with the light of the sun shining in through the window, the hall was just as dark, velvety and gothic as it was the night before.

I shrugged, 'I'll have to look around her later, there's something strange about this house. I've never noticed it before..'

I walked back into my room and changed into my fresh clean clothes. I sighed with content until I remembered everything that had happened last night. I felt a feeling of anxiety wash over to me as I struggled to stand up.

I tried to shake it off as I left the room once again to make breakfast.

When I walked into Soul's kitchen, it looked like a bomb had gone off inside his cupboards and had expanded all over the kitchen. "Does this guy know the definition of clean?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do."

I spun around to see a sleepy looking Soul leaning against the kitchen door frame.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him, doesn't he know how to not be such a smartass

"What?" He looks at my questionly.

"..." I wasn't ready to give him the satisfaction of me properly speaking to him yet. Sure, he'd heard me speak a couple times before but that was necersary to the situation they had been in.

He sighed. "Really? You're gonna be a child about this?"


"Well, whatever. We need to go somewhere in about 40 minutes so we gotta hurry." Soul stared at his clock above the stove for a few seconds.

He then brushed past me and started to make whatever the hell he found in his clustered cupboards.

~after breakfast~

I walked back through the hall that disturbed me so much earlier. Still sensing something eery about this place.

I sat down on my bed, crossed my legs up against my chest and stared hard at the wall in front of me. 'Like hell am I going to school.... that's where all of this started.. So whats the point ' .

Soul's Point of View~

Okay, it was official. This girl was either really stubborn or she's got deep problems. When I thought about it I remembered her. She was the girl that used to sit at the school bench every single day... just reading all by herself.

I guess I should've given her some attention, especially since nobody else even noticed her. She looked at me once and our eyes had been fixed but what seemed like a second her eyes had returned to her book.

It was the same every day until one day she just stopped coming to school.

I want her to trust me. I want to be her friend. But damn, if she was gonna be so goddamn stubborn about it how was I gonna be able to help her?

I couldn't really hear anything from upstairs so I walked to her bedroom and knocked quietly.

As the silence continued I thought back for her name.... What was her name... We all left school about a year ago which wasn't that long ago.

I should be able to remember just one name.

What did it begin with? It began with... W? No... It was L... I'm thinking of Liz.. Although their hair is the same colour they are so much different.. M.

"Maka?" I whispered before realising that she couldn't hear me whispering. "Maka." I said a little louder.

I heard a short gasp and slight movement. "Maka, I'm coming in."

I opened the door and there she was, sitting on her bed. She looked at me from over her legs and waited. "W..Where were you... Where did you go. You can tell me, I'll listen. I wanna understand you, you... you remember me as well, right? All those times we saw eachother, even if we didn't speak."

She sighed softly and sat up properly on her bed. I sat down next to her and waited for her to begin.


I actually wasn't sure if I'd ever update this but I think I'm getting back into the swing of things. :) .

Sayonara ;)


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