Someone Finally Listened

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Soul Eater :(

Chapter 3 ~ Someone Finally Listened

Maka's Point of View~

I had to admit that I was feeling particularly shocked when Soul came out with all that. I thought, just for a moment that someone wasn't taking advantage of me. That somebody wasn't like my selfish father who only cared about women.

He never cared about me or mom. I slowly turned my head to face Soul. My eyes widened for a split second to see him staring intently at me.

I felt a small blush creep onto my face but hid it with my bangs.

"W...W.. Well.." I stuttered. I had only just realised that I had been speaking in my head... Speaking to myself for so long about my feelings. I spoke to people, sure... sometimes. But whenever it came to my feeling I would always clam up.

"It's alright." Soul said, still gently looking at me.

"My father.. My father.. It was three of us.. Me, my mother and father together. It... it was great.. at first. Mom and Dad were partners.. my mom was a meister and my father a scythe. But after I came along and a few years of marriage my father started cheating on my mom.. it wasn't even a one time fling because it was continuous.. every single day he was cheating."

I paused to make sure he was still listening, which he was, before continuing.

"He carried on and me and mom pretened that it wasn't happening. We had tried to work it out at first but every single time he did it he would end up apologizing and then doing it again. So we just stopped. But... last year my mom died from a heart attack and my dad brought me and some random girl from work to the funeral. Neither me or mom knew who she was but I only knew that she replaced mom rather quickly. In dad's eyes anyway, she could never replace mom. No body could.  Dad married the girl, Ayaka, not long after they started dating but the other day he was kissing another woman full on in the living room while Ayaka was working late.... and that's when I was sitting in the alleyway when that strange lady came up to me and you were there as well..."

I desperatly wanted to ask him who she was and why he was even out there in the first place. More importantly why he even had a gun.

"I cannot believe a man could do that to his family... I'm not sure if someone's told you this before or you even believe cliche lines that never do anything to the situation.. but..... I'm really really sorry. I should have done something instead of watching you go through all of that with the amount of time we were in school together."

This... this felt like a light had entered my dark heart. Someone was trying to look through my eyes.... Someone was searching for my hand and had gently grabbed it, leading me through the dark.

Soul's Point of View~

Whoa... For, like, the first time in my life I've seen someone with a family as messed up as mine. I wasn't alone in my head.

But she seemed pretty mad when I saw her in the alleyway. She actually wanted to die! Though, I suppose I'm being a bit of a hypocrite since I can't deny that I've had those exact same feelings in my life.

"Thank you, Soul."

Huh? ... I waited for her to continue.

"I've never told anyone about this. Even my best friend, Tsubaki."

"Ah! I know Tsubaki. I've never really seen you two together."

"We can't stay together in school. I told her to stay away so she wouldn't get dragged down by my attitude. The way I live... she deserves so much better." Maka sighed.

"C'mon... you... you can get dressed and we'll go. There's someplace I gotta go first but we can take a walk if you want.. and you can tell me more. Only if you want, of course." I smiled at her quickly and left her room.


This is short, I know. But I'm going to try updating often with short chapters. Sorry if this was a bit slow, it'll speed up in the next few chapters.



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