Chapter 30 (Last)

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I go to Japan with Hyungjae. At first Teyra unnie didnt give us permission and she is mad at Hyungjae. She still didnt believe Hyungjae.

But we use anything that we can until finally Teyra unnie give up. What we use? Just let it be our secret.

We go to Japan with full of hope. To find Jimin. I dont care if Jimin is blind...because he take cares of me when i am in that condition.

Actually...someone support me to find Jimin. Its Taehyung. He even gives me the address of Jimin house at Japan.

This will make us more easy to find him.

We arrive at Japan and the we have to find a hotel to stay. Its night already so we have to take a rest. Stay in the flight for too long make my body ache.

We sleep at the different rooms of course. I am very glad that Hyungjae helps me a lot.

The next morning i go to the address that Taehyung gives. I left Hyungjae alone at the hotel. I want to find Jimin myself. I dont want Hyungjae to follow me. I want to go by myself. I'm sorry Hyungjae.

I take a taxi and arrive at a very big mansion. "Jimin is rich!" I yell.

"But this is where he stays? It seems no one here." I say and look around. It looks empty.

"But this is the address that Taehyung gives and i am very sure of it." I say confidently. I know i look like a weirdo talking alone.

I knock the door. I hope Jimin is here.

"Yes?" An average age and a very good looking boy open the door. Thanks god he is Korean.

But i am sure he is not Jimin because of his voice. I really wish i know how Jimin's look. I am very sure he ia very handsome with those charming voice. I miss him.

"Have someone name Jimin stay here?" I ask. That boy seems thinking.

"Jimin? I dont know anyone name Jimin." He says and frown.

"But..this is the address of this house right?" I ask and show that boy the address.

"How did you get my address?" That boy says after he reads the address.

"Did Taehyung gives me the wrong address?" I ask.

Suddenly i hear a loud noise of a shattering glasses and a screaming voice inside the house.....that voice.

"Hyung!" That boy say and he quickly get inside let the door open. I am very sure i know that voice.

Without thinking i get inside the house and look at the figure that holding his bleeding hand. I guess he just drop a glass because he cant see....he is blind.

"Jimin." I whisper and tears start to form.


I will post the sequel preview

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