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She needed to hear his voice.

So she called him.

But when she finally heard it...

All it did was echo in her head.

She didn't know why whenever she heard a love song she always thought of him and not the one she's with.

Maybe her mind needed to adjust still or maybe it was her heart that needed a wake up call.

She didn't know why anything happened anymore.

Some nights she just wanted to disappear from the world.

Other nights she wished she never existed.

Her feelings for him always got in the way.

Most days it didn't really bother her, she'd just brush the thought of him away or brush the memory aside.

Other days, it was harder to do so and the pain lingered in her heart and soul.

She feared her soul would soon have no light, only a dim lamp for the girl she used to be.

She feared her demons would take over soon.

She had to prepare for that day and that day was approaching.

Just a matter of time before the demons finally had full control over her and the girl everyone knew and loved would be gone.

Wish her luck... She's gonna need it..

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