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Over the next few days, the boys got worse and worse, until Jace finally couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed as she walked out of her room and shoved her against the wall, breathing heavily against her neck, kissing the spot he would mark her. Then he began speaking, 'He just made,' kiss, 'one,' kiss, 'stupid,' kiss. 'mistake! He's really sorry, and this is killing us! Please forgive him!' She just shoved him off, furious, and replied, 'Two days, Jace! That's all it took! And ypu expect me to just, 'forgive' him? I'm only werewolf! Right. You know what? I don't think we, all of us, are ever going to work. I'm moving packs.' By the end of her speech, tears were streaming down her face, but she struggled against him. He growled, shuddering visibly, 'Don't ever say that! You are ours! Sorry Cassie, but you have left me no choice. I can't let you leave!' He looked at her sadly. "You know what I have to do, Kitty. I'm sorry." Cassie knew. She began screaming and thrasing in his grip, soon all her mates were there. No one did anything.

An impervious mark was something only an alpha could create. It prevented their mate from leaving pack territory, but also caused her alot of pain. It was humiliating to have. Jace gripped Cassie's shoulders, and sank his elongenated canines into her tender flesh. She whimpered. The last of her trust in them dissapeared as the pain hit her.

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