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© 2013 - Chloe Grant (All Rights Reserved)


He tells me he loves me,

He tells me he cares.

He tells me I'm pretty,

He takes me everywhere.

He says I'd not need my friends,

Because I have him.

He tells me I'm amazing,

I can put them in the bin.

He buys me lots of presents,

He makes me feel good.

He's a lot older than me,

He's into adulthood.

I met him through my brother,

At a late night party.

He chooses me clothes,

Dresses me up tarty.

I do things with him,

That adults do.

Because he loves me,

I do what he tells me to.

Sometimes I feel worried,

I get a little scared.

Because I feel so young,

Then he shows he really cares.

He buys me another gift,

A really expensive one.

I wonder where he got it,

He never has any money, none.

Then one day he changed,

He got a little mad.

Because I spoke to another boy,

Another friendly lad.

He slapped me and he hit me,

He hit me more and more.

He shoved me in a room,

And he locked the door.

He didn't come back for ages,

When he did, he brought his mates.

They grabbed me and they hurt me,

In many different ways.

They did something that was really bad,

Something I usually did with him.

But this time it really hurt,

Because I wouldn't let them in.

Finally they stopped,

And I managed to get away.

I called the police,

But I couldn't bring myself to say.

What he had done to me,

It must have been a mistake.

Maybe it was my fault...

He loved me for goodness sakes!

Maybe I shouldn't have spoken to that boy,

Or gone shopping with my friends.

Disagreed to help with his plans,

Disagreed to make amends.

Maybe I should have stayed close to him,

Done as he always asked.

Given up my family,

And ran to him at last.

But I knew deep down inside,

That he was very bad.

That he didn't love me,

And that he probably never had.

So I told them what happened,

They arrested him really fast.

I wished I'd never trusted him,

But now I'm happy at last.

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