Chapter 2 ~ I think I jinxed myself

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Hana-san released Y/n's hands and grinned.

"Well, earlier an engaged couple came and they wanted to adopt a girl. They said they wanted someone who was around 17 years old and you are the only one here who is at that age, Y/n. However, they are not so sure yet and they will return when they have made their decision."

Y/n nodded slowly with a confused frown.

"Why me, though?" she asked while pointing to herself. "Don't they want to adopt a younger child and watch them grow and develop?"

There were so many questions are running through Y/n's head at the moment. Why would they want to adopt her? She was just a few years away from adulthood. Surely they wanted to see their adopted child grow up?

Hanako seemed to sense her distress and she kindly explained the couple's reason. "One of the pair already has a daughter that is the same age as you are. And the couple wanted another daughter around her age so she would not be lonely."

Before Y/n could interject to Hana-chan's statement, the older woman quickly spoke again.

"And the woman only has sons."

Y/n let her mind process the new information and nodded slowly. "So, just to clarify, each of them already has children of their own?"

Hanako nodded. "Yep."

"And they want to adopt a teenage girl to give their daughter a companion."


Y/n stood there as she thought over everything Hana-san just told her. She did say that the couple was still thinking right?

"So there is still the possibility that I might not get adopted," she then said, looking at Hanako with a glimmer of hope brewing in her heart. Maybe, just maybe, the couple decided that she was not the right fit.

Hanako nodded once more. "Yes, they have yet to make their decision as of now."

Y/n was silent for a moment before mumbling out a 'huh' under her breath. How does she feel about that? Being adopted? Does she even want to be forcefully pulled into a family? They are all still strangers even though they are a family by paper.

Beside her, Hanako only smiled when she saw the young girl's eyes began to fill with doubt and concern. She approached the distressed girl and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe it is time for you to finally have your own family, Y/n," the woman said slowly as she squeezed the girl's shoulder. "You've been in this orphanage your whole life, and you may have grown to be too independent. Too closed off and only relying on yourself. Maybe it is time you depend on someone else, share your burdens with them."

At the woman's words, Y/n went rigid. She knew that Hana-san meant well, and she could sense some truth in her words. However, having to rely on another person besides herself is a quite scary thought. Relying on others - it's a double-edged sword. They could truly help her or they could hurt and disappoint her instead. Depending on herself would neither hurt nor disappoint since she was a living disappointment anyways.

She was conflicted about what she was supposed to do. It was true, she lived at orphanages for as long as she could remember - jumping from one orphanage to the next until she ended up at the current one when she was eight. But if she left, who would help look after the other children? What if they needed her and she was not there.

A sigh escaped her lips before they were drawn into a thin line. "Let's just wait, Hana-san. As you said, they are still thinking. We shouldn't get our hopes up."

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