Chapter 17 ~ Turns out, voice acting can cause conflicts

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"Aha!" I exclaimed as I finally found the card. Next, I wrecked my room trying to find my phone, sweatdropping when I saw it sitting beside Juli. How did it get there? With a grumble, I snatched it up and put in Natsume's number written on the card. I placed my phone against my ear and hummed as I waited for him to pick up. I was pulling out my uniform from my wardrobe when he finally picked up.


"Hello, Natsume. Do you think we can meet up somewhere? I've got a question about the game."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I drummed my fingers against the table in front of me, humming as I waited for the orange-haired male. I had just gotten out of school and I am currently inside a cafe, my hair tied up and still wearing my uniform. My eyes roamed around the cafe, finally stopping at a window to my right. I observed the colorful fairy lights that are on the trees outside when I heard the doors to the cafe open. Human instincts made me tear my eyes away from the window, and some other costumers' eyes, to the person that just came in. It was Natsume. His eyes scanned the cafe before they finally landed on me. He smiled and walked towards the seat opposite to me, his coat and scarf draped on his arm.

"You got here awfully early. Did you wait long?"

I smiled, "No, I just arrived here as well. Around ten minutes ago."

As Natsume took a seat, I heard two females sitting somewhere in the cafe speak among themselves.

"Get out! Is that guy hot, or what?"

"But it looks like he's meeting with his girlfriend."

I scrunched up my nose when I heard them, not knowing that Natsume heard them as well because his face seemed indifferent.

They seriously think that Natsume and I are a couple? Meh, maybe it seems like that to the eyes of a stranger.

My face was still scrunched up even after a couple of minutes and Natsume noticed.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Hmm?" I hummed, looking towards him as my face went back to normal, "Nope, I'm fine."

"You haven't ordered anything?" Natsume asked, taking note of the only thing in front of me; a glass of water, "What do you want?"

"Well, I was waiting for you. And I was the once asking to you to meet me so I'll pay."

"You've got a good attitude," Natsume suddenly commented, "If you planned to make me pay from the start, I wouldn't have stood for it, but it's fine. I'll treat you. Order whatever you want."

"Are you sure?" I asked skeptically, "I eat a lot, you know, and I don't want you to pay for me."

Natsume chuckled, "I'm sure. We have 12 brothers and once, I had to pay for all 12 of them, so how bad could it be?"

I laughed, knowing that some of the brothers have a big appetite. I smiled and thanked him, "Okay, thank you very much. I really appreciate it."

Silence crept over the table as I scanned the menu, thinking about what I want to order. The silence was soon broken by Natsume.

"So, how are things at home?"

I took my eyes off the menu to look at Natsume and thoughtfully said, "Well, it's been around four months so I'm already getting used to things"

"I see. I'm glad to hear that." Natsume smiled, making me smile back.


I ended up ordering (fav. drink), taking a sip before placing the glass/cup down on the table. I took in the aroma of my drink and let out a satisfied smile, not seeing Natsume's gaze due to the fact my mind is on food. No one could ignore food. However, the smile on Natsume's face soon dissipated and he grew serious.

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