Chapter 1

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"Not again Aimee!" I yell as Ivy and I walk into the school gates. Just outside, one of my best friends was sucking the face of another boy from our school.  It's amazing, every morning, break, lunch and evening it's a different guy. We all know she's a bit, how do I say this nicely, of a player.  I mean stereotypically she looks like the average school player, the blonde hair with highlights, school skirt shorter, much shorter, than it's meant to be, and a blouse that's about three sizes to small so it hugs and clings to things..... But she's not one of those girls that would sleep with your boyfriend or something.

She looks at us for a moment then turns back, looks the boy in the face, pushes him away and comes to join us.
"What can I say? I'm just a boy magnet!" She says laughing, somehow no matter how stupid she's been, she makes it funny.

"So I'm guessing you caught Aimee sucking the face of another rat this morning." Paige says joining us with Elodie. Paige is a typical posh girl. Like upper class girl. She has her skirt perfectly to her knee, blazer crisp and neat and blouse perfectly ironed and neatly tucked in. Her hair is dirty blonde that curls into ringlets, her eyes are a grey, almost blue colour and her skin is a pale white hat would put snow to shame.

Elodie however, has dark brown hair, almost black, green eyes and skin as white as paper. She's arty and musical. Uniform like any normal student, not really neat or really messy, just right. It looks good on her but not super model good, but I mean no one looks hat good in a school uniform! She has a white bag that's got doodles all over it and it's splayed with paint.

We walk into form before the bell goes and take our seats near the centre.
"Guys I can't remember where my locker is!" Florence screams as she runs through the door. She does this every yeah, after summer we come back and she's always forgotten where her locker is and at least on piece of uniform. It's become a problem. She's not the smartest cookie in the pack. Today she's forgotten a sock, it's simple and not as bad as last years skirt incident, it's a long story! Paige tells her where her locker is and Florence runs out to find it, her long firey red hair flowing out behind her. Florence is really pretty, possibly the prettiest one out of us all. Freckles cover her face and she has brilliant green eyes like emeralds that go perfectly with her hair.

Ivy looks at me and just shakes her head laughing, causing her dark brown half frizzy, half curly hair to swing in its pony tail. Her brown eyes are squeezed shut as she laughs and shuffles her blazer off of her shoulders. Ivy's my best, best friend! We've only known each other since the beginning of secondary school but we're like sisters! We don't look like it at all, but we act like it. Unlike her I have mousy hair with natural blonder highlights, blue eyes and I'm ridiculously tall. I'm like 6ft which is really tall for my age. I mean I'm 16! Meaning not only is my uniform a pain to find (I mean having a smaller waist doesn't help trying to find a skirt that goes to my knees as when you go up in length it goes up in waist and whatever!) but it also makes finding a boyfriend impossible!

I mean I'm the only one in my group that's really single. Aimee, well she goes around snogging every boy in the country (and a few abroad which she's proud of), Paige has some posh boy from an all boys school, Elodie has her music loving, poetic guy that's in college and none of us have met (nor trust), Ivy doesn't have one yet but is totally flirting with one of the 'nerdy' boys and Florence, she's never really liked boys that much, she's never really been interested in them. So I mean she's single as well, but I'm ridiculously single!

I am the saddest single person alive. I mean it's gotten to the point where Ivy slaps my arm whenever I see a 'cute' boy. And by cute, I mean any boy that walks past and has good hair and style. It's become a problem. I can't help it! I mean me and my friends have a group chat that's basically just me telling them about the cute boy, who's name I don't know, I just saw. We give them all nicknames. So far some favourites are 'Frank', 'Frank 2' (yes there's a second) and 'Timmy tidal wave' (this being based on the hair on his head in a quiff so high that it bends over sideways, yet somehow I thought he was cute.... don't judge!) the names are always stupid and make me laugh. It gets to the point where I start to miss these 'cute' boys. I mean I don't even know them, but somehow I do know them!

Anyway, the bell rings and the rest of our form piles in sitting at their desks and talking loudly.  We get ignored once again like everyday, every year. It's not a problem in fact it's kind of nice, you don't get bullied or rumours spread about you. It is good, but it just make me being single even worse, because even if there was a cute guy in my year (which there isn't!) they wouldn't even know me!

Our form tutor comes around giving us our planners and schedules. I always love getting a new planner, each year I say I won't ruin it....that doesn't last long. By day three my water has leaked around four times on it and I've most likely doodled on it or smudged it in ink...... Once again a problem of mine.  We compare schedules and get ready to start the day.  Another day at school, the beginning of another year of invisibility!

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