Chapter One

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"Come on Nate, Were going to miss it." Said Eve. "Slow down, you know I hate running." Replied Nate gasping for breath. "Why are you so out of shape, do you even go to the gym?" Said Eve. "Eve, we're fourteen, we don't need to keep fit." Nate retorted. "Your just saying that because your lazy" scoffed Eve. "Yeah your right, we are going to be late."

They hailed a taxi and they both hopped in. "Victoria station please." Nate said. The driver looked to be in his mid sixties wearing a sleeveless woollen jumper, navy blue trousers, a chequered golf cap he had hassle eyes, and gray-ish hair. The cab started to move at a reasonable speed down the road. "So where are you two lovebirds going." He had a kind voice, soft, slow and a slight American accent. "Oh we're not dating" Eve said a bit too fast. Nate joined in "Yeah it's Eve, we've known each other for 14 years if something was going to happen then it would have done by now." The rest of the journey was silent.

The car rumbled to a halt and they got out the car. "How much do I owe you?" Nate said to the driver. "Nothing, it's on the house." The driver said with a smile. "Thank you, thats very kind" Nate replied feeling slightly guilty. "Don't mention it" and then he drove off. "Nate we need to run if were going to make it." Eve said to Nate. "No more running please" he moaned. "Lazy." She chuckled. "Fine, race you." He grinned. "Oh it's on!" She smirked. They sprinted to the train and got on.

"I can't believe miss Jinx is actually getting married, I don't know why anyone would want to doom them self like that." Nate said "Nate! That's a horrible thing to say, you should feel ashamed, it's good that shes getting married, even if she is 56 and rude." Eve said unsure of herself. "We are now approaching Paddington station, please mind the gap between the train and the platform." The intercom blared. "Nate, we're here." She said to Nate. "I see this." Nate replied with an annoyed look. "Well you didn't have to be rude about it." Eve retorted. "Look lets just get to the reception" he said. "Alright, but if you ruin this for miss Jinx, I'll have to marry you and show you how it feels." Eve said. "Heaven forbid." Nate said. "You took the words right out of my mouth" Eve said. "Well we're here" Nate said. "I'm glad. Nate don't mess this up for her, it's a big day." Eve said with a concerned look. "Fine" Nate replied.

"Nathaniel, Eveline, I'm so glad you two could make it." Miss Jinx said. "We wouldn't miss it for the world, would we Nate." Eve said while nudging Nate on the arm. "Well-" Nate was cut off by a kick to the shin. "Ow! That hurt" Nate cried. "It was meant to." Eve whispered. "Rude!" He grunted.

"Do you miss Jessica May Jinx take mister Benedict Roy Clayton to be your lawfully wedded husband." The vicar said. "I do." Miss Jinx said" And do you mister Benedict Roy Clayton take miss Jessica May Jinx to be your lawfully wedded wife." The vicar continued. "I do." Said mister Clayton. "I now pronounce you man and wife." The vicar said in a deadpan voice. Claps and cheers flew around the room. Even though mister Clayton looked like he regretted his choice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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