Dining With A King

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Once the door shut I let everything crash into me. I began to cry. I didn't know where I was or why I was here. I was scared. I took a breath then walked over to the large mirror on the wall next to the fireplace. I looked at myself for the first time. I looked very beautiful in this outfit but I had this marking at the corner of my eye on the left side it was of a flower. I licked my finger and rubbed it but it wouldn't come off it was like it was part of my skin. My eyes were a different shade then normal they were this lighter green almost aqua. I walked away from the mirror to the balcony. I walked through the white curtains that blew with the wind out onto the balcony. The view was crazy there were mountains everywhere the sky was dark and lightening could be seen in them. I never heard him come in as I stood there over looking everything. "I know it's not a very beautiful view but it is a view." His soft voice said. I turned around to see Lord Junsu standing there watching me. He had no kind of emotion in his eyes. "You can speak freely now we are alone." He said walking over to stand next to me. "I'm confused and lost." I said. "I met someone like you before he was lost and confused he didn't know where he was or what this place was. But he came to know it was some kind of escape from where he was. But soon he had a choice to stay or go back. You will too I'm not sure when but there will be things here that will test you and those tests will help you choice to go or stay." He said. "Did this man go or stay?" I asked. "I'm not sure." He said. "You are no slave here but I do ask you help with anything I may ask of you as a payment of me letting you stay somewhere safe." He said. "I would be honored to help to pay my way for you letting me stay here." I said. "This gown you're in looks beautiful on you. The red fits your skin perfectly and your eyes and the ends of your hair match my hair." He said touching the ends of my hair. I didn't notice it when I looked in the mirror. "That's odd when I looked in the mirror a few seconds ago my hair wasn't that color." I said. "Your adjusting to the place some things will change not big things just simple things like your hair, eyes and nails." He said pointing to my fingers. I looked down to see the tips that bright sliver like his nails and the rest was black. "My world is excepting you is what it is." He said. "There is one thing in my palace Rae didn't show you and I think you would enjoy it how about you fallow me and I'll take you there. Then we can head to the dining hall for dinner." He said. I just nodded. We walked back into my room and out into the hall. We made our way back up to the main floor where the sitting area was. We walked past the ballroom and to the end of the hall where a set of double glass doors sat. He pushed them open to show this large dome room that had beautiful trees and flowers all green and colorful. There were birds, monkeys, rabbits, snakes, fish, and other animals all around the Dome seemed like it went on forever. There were benches and swings and lounge chairs in different areas. "Come on there is more just past all this." He said walking more into the dome. Just past all the animals and garden area there was this large round pool with a waterfall and larger trees nearby. "You are welcome in here most people aren't but I'm letting you." He said. "Thank you for this." I said. "Now shall we head to dinner?" He said us heading back out and down to the dining room where a big group of people already sat chatting away. Rae was there sitting next to the head of the table. Everyone dressed so crazy it made me think of some kind of Alice in wonderland. He sat me at the End of the table closest to the doors were we came in then he went to the other end to face me. Everyone had gotten silent when we came in some of them watched me closely. When he sat down everyone went back to talking. He didn't speak though just watched everyone but soon he looked lost in thought not paying much mind to anyone. I watched him though because he seemed so different at this moment almost like he was lonely. Soon a group of people came out with trays that had food on them placing dishes down in front of everyone. Another set of people began pouring different things in everyone glasses. The liquid in my glass was purple but what caught me was Junsu's was thick and gold in a tea cup. As he took it to his mouth his eyes met mine. He watched me as he took a small sip and when he pulled it away gold coated his top lip. He kept his eyes on me as his tongue licked it off then he raised a hand up. A lady came up to him with a tray. He whispered to her something but never broke our eye contact. The lady sat down a glass like mine down next to him then she walked up my way. She leaned down to my ear. "Lord Junsu asked if you would like to try the drink he just had?" she said softly. "Could you tell me what it is before I give my answer?" I asked. "No my lady I can't." She said. "Ask Lord Junsu if he wishes me to have that drink." I said softly watching him as he took the other drink. She left me and hurried back to him whispered in his ear and then he whispered back. She came back and did the same. "He said he doesn't wish you to but it is you who has to make your choice it will not hurt him if you say no." said the girl. "Then No maybe another time." I said. "Alright my lady enjoy your dinner." She said and left to be by Junsu side. I broke our eye contact to look at the food on my plate. There were fruits, veggies, and some kind of meat that was a little pink. I didn't want to be rude so I would eat it that way. I began to cut into the already sliced meat taking a bite of it. When it hit my tongue it felt like every worry melted away and it tasted like heaven. Soon I was done with my whole meal now having a small chat with the young man next to me who I came to know as Ash. He wore a blackish grey velvet suit and he had a crazy mask that he would wear sometimes but at dinner he didn't. I know noticed that all the women sat near Junsu and all the Men sat near me accept for Rae. "So Aries what is the meaning of your name?" asked Junsu from the other end getting everyone to go silent. "My name Aries means a lot. It is a symbol of the Ram and the Ram is a Leader he does not fallow but takes control. He was born under Mars who is a God of War in which Aries leads his army. Aries is fearless will go into the unknown without thinking of fear. Aries is Courage and determination. Aries is fire and the color red." I said. "I think that's why Red looks so amazing on you and you do have that fire in your eyes. But you better watch how fearless and leader like you are in my palace there is only one ruler here and that's me." Said Junsu. "Yes Lord Junsu this is yours and I would not think to over step you I am your guest here." I said. "Well I'm glad you see that." He said. He stood up and walked out of the room. Everyone looked at me then each one got up to leave. Rae came over to me. "You should have lied about your name." he said before walking out. I slowly got up and headed out back to where my room was. At this moment in time I didn't feel anything like what my name meant. I didn't feel like a leader with no fear and courage. I felt scared, alone. When I got back an older lady was waiting on me. "Hello" I said. "Hi my dear I'm the seamstress." She said. "Oh okay" I said. I let her do her thing then she hurried off. I did see she left me something to sleep in on the bed. I walked over to it. It was gold in color and silk. It was a low v cut long to the floor with slits up both sides. I headed out and to the bathroom which was huge. It had this large marble round tub made into the floor with candle holders lining it. There was a large marble counter with a sink and huge mirror and those flower shaped light fixtures. "Do you wish to bath my lady?" came a soft voice. I turned around to see a young girl standing at the door. "Oh yes." I said. "I'll get your water ready just go back to your room and I'll come get you." She said. I hurried back to my room and a few minutes later she came back. I went into the bathroom again to a very steaming bath with red rose petals in it. The candles lit and a bowl on the side with a large sponge in it. The girl waited off to the side waiting on me to get undressed. I stripped out of my dress when the girl made a sound. "What is it?" I asked. "You have his flower markings on you but how?" she asked. I looked at her funny I had nothing on me. She took my hand and pulled me to the mirror. I had this beautiful flower inked on my hip that lead around to my lower back with some kind of symbols up my spine. I noticed my hair was almost fully aqua now. I saw I had the flower and those odd symbols on one of my feet. "Wow this is crazy." I said. "This is no one has ever been marked with his symbols or flower." She said. "Are you talking about Lord Junsu?" I asked. "Yes my lady does he know of this?" she asked. "No I didn't know of this till now." I said. "Well keep it hidden from everyone even him." She said. "What if the seamstress makes something that shows it off?" I asked. "Then you will have to deal with what comes." She said. She helped me step into the bath that was very hot. She pushed my hair to the side and began sponge bathe me. This was odd to me because I hadn't had this in a long time. That's when I realized I couldn't remember anything about my past just who I was and what my name meant. "Was there a Lord here before Lord Junsu?" I asked. "Yes there was he had no sons or daughters and he met Lord Junsu took him in and found him to be the son he never had when that Lord died he left Lord Junsu to rule." She said. "Has Lord Junsu always been like he is?" I asked. "You mean cold and emotionless?" she asked. "Yes" I said. "No Lord Junsu was very spirited and happy and showed so many emotions before coming a ruler. Soon he changed and so did our home the sun never shines here it's always dark and stormy." She said. "I did see something different today though when you showed up. I saw something different almost hopeful in him. Maybe you will change him back to the man he was. Maybe that's why you're marked with his symbols and your hair and nails are changing to be like his." She said. "I don't know about that dear." I said. She helped me finish up then I got dressed in the night gown with the robe. She then did my hair braiding it across the front then pulling it in a braided ponytail. "Sleep well Aries." She said leaving me. As she was walking out the seamstress and Rae came in with arms full of outfits. I hurried over to the wardrobe to open it for them. They both stacked it full with clothes and shoes. "You should be set dear unless Lord Junsu wants something special for you." Said the Seamstress looking at me. "Can I ask you all something? Why it is everyone is talking to me like they hope I pull your Lord out of some darkness. Do you all think I was sent here to do something like that?" I asked. They looked at each other then back to me. "No dear we don't it's just you're the first female who has shown up in a long time that doesn't breakdown into tears when they meet him. That you don't cowered away from him like he is some sickness and you hold eye contact with him unlike most." She said. "Maybe I was sent here to test him and myself for what I don't know." I said. "Do you remember anything before getting here today?" asked Rae. "I don't remember anything but my name and what it means. I don't know where I came from. I don't know if I have a family somewhere. I don't even feel like what my name means I feel scared and alone." I said. "Hopefully you will remember." Said Rae. "Come on boy let's let her get some rest." She said pulling Rae out the room. After they left I crawled up in the bed listening to the thunder. It somehow soothed me to sleep.

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