XXVII. Crashing Down

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I was on cloud nine as Alex drove us back to the clubhouse the next morning. We had woken naked, wrapped in a blanket sprawled across the car seats and despite how uncomfortable or awkward you might expect it to be, we were fairly content with our position. We had lazily unwound ourselves from each other and recovered our clothes before jumping in the car to head back and I could barely keep my eyes off the stunning engagement ring that rested on my left hand.

Some people would say that Alex and I were rushing into things, that we didn't really know each other and that it would all fall down around our ears before we knew it. But nothing had ever felt more right in my life. I had never known a person, never mind a lover, who I could sit with in silence for an eternity without feeling the need to speak, because everything I would ever need to know was written across the other person's face. That's how Alex made me feel.

When we pulled up at the clubhouse everyone else was lazily starting the day, however the energy picked up when we arrived as my mother spotted me, a questioning grin on her face. I only nodded and grinned in return and that was all she needed to know before she squeeled and ran over to hug me. I could feel tears building up in my eyes again as she told me how happy she was for me, our hug was soon joined by my father who, if I'm not mistaken, also had tears in his eyes. Alex was being man-hugged left, right and centre by his brothers who were cheering at the news and nobody could keep the grin off their faces. After receiving hugs from everyone I was pulled to a table with all the girls.

"So you got any dates in mind?" Gemma asked as she sat opposite me.

"I haven't had a chance to blink yet Gemma!" I laughed, "but I don't think Alex wants to wait long"

"Well you need any help you let me know" she said jokingly stern as she smiled.

"Don't worry Gem I will" I think deep down Gemma had always wanted a daughter, someone she could mold in her image, and I think she hoped I would be that. When Jax and Tara had been married Gemma hadn't been on good terms with either of them and had almost been left out of the wedding, since then Tara and Gemma's relationship had been a little strained, mostly due to Gemma's reluctance to hand over the title of SAMCRO Queen, but it was improving now that Gemma had started to accept that Tara was her own person and wouldn't be made into a mini Gemma.

"Please don't take this the wrong way" Tara started, "But I never thought I would see the day that Tig got married!" she laughed, and we joined in, I agreed he didn't exactly seem the type, "I still can't decide whether I think you're a saint or just plain nuts" she finished.

"A little bit of both I think" I laughed.

"But seriously you guys are so good for each other" Lyla smiled, "You bring out the best in him and he brings out the worst in you" she joked.

"I think you're perfect for each other" my mom smiled, "As much as I always wanted you to end up with a guy like Will, I knew they'd never make you happy, not really. You have to much of an adventureous spirit"

"Well I get it from you" I smiled grabbing her hand, "You should see all of my folks holiday pics" I laughed towards the other girls, "They're all my mom grinning ear to ear as they discover something new and my dad with a forced grin and a book in his hand"

"If he had his way he'd never leave the study never mind the country" she laughed, "Speaking of leaving the country through sweetie, I thought you might like to use the holiday we got you as your honeymoon"

"That sounds amazing actually" I smiled, "A whole two weeks where it's so hot Alex has to keep his shirt off? I'm all for it" I joked winking at her and she smiled as she hit my arm lightly.

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