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I've always taken care of myself. I've always had to. For as long as I can remember I've been on my own, wandering... surviving. I won't bore you with the details, just a brief overview. It's the typical sob story... dead parents, a carousel of homes and shitty fosters. One day I decided enough was enough and if no one wanted to take care of me then I would just have to do it myself.

It wasn't easy, life is shít sometimes, but I figured it out eventually. You learn by doing... that's just how things work. I learned if you don't have money you either eat trash, solicit, beg, or you die. None of those seemed appealing to me so I found an alternative route. Maybe it isn't the most glamorous existence, but it's not like I steal for fun. I try to be cognizant and observant. I only steal from those who appear to have more money than they need, mostly the douchebag businessmen who are too busy yapping into their bluetooth devices to have any care or consideration for those around them. I get that it's not a foolproof system, but I try.

I'm not a complete ɑsshole, but I'm well aware I'm not really worth anything to anyone, especially not Scott.

He's such a damn bleeding heart though... and I'm just too fücking weak to resist him.

That first night, as we sat across from one another in that tiny little cafe, he had such a sparkle in his eyes that I was mesmerized. It'd been such a long time since anyone cared to hold an actual conversation with me that it took me awhile to ease into it, but he coaxed it out of me and soon we were laughing and joking like we'd known each other forever.

But we hadn't.

I was brought back down to earth when he asked me a very simple question, one most people would have no problem answering. "Do you live around here?"

I didn't really have a problem answering it... I wasn't ashamed, at least I wasn't until that moment. "I live... here and there. Wherever."

"Like you travel for business?"

"No." I didn't elaborate just sipped on my coffee, trying to make it last. As much as I wanted to run as fast and as far as I could, I was drawn to him, to his warmth. I stared at my coffee cup, trying to avoid looking at him, but he was so quiet that I couldn't stop myself from looking up into his eyes. He looked to be a changing mixture of sad and concerned and I braced myself for the dismissal that would surely come.

"You're homeless aren't you."

He looked close to devastated. I hated that I'd stolen his smile. That once bright, shining beacon of happiness had disappeared and it was all my fault.

I shrugged, trying for nonchalance but coming off a bit more uncomfortable than I'd intended. "It's not as bad at it sounds."

He couldn't seem to comprehend my words and shook his head a bit. "You don't look homeless."

I couldn't stop the burst of laughter that escaped me. "Well, I don't look like a criminal either but here I am."

He just blinked at me, head tilting slightly as he studied me, letting all of the information I'd dumped on him sink in.

The longer I sat there the more I could feel the judgment... the disappointment radiating from him. It soaked into my skin and soon I was feeling the same about myself. I knew my quick escape from reality was over. The gorgeous man in front of me, that beautiful beam of light belonged to the worthy, the kings and queens of society. I belonged to the shadows... where I'd always been welcomed, the darkness a part of me I'd never be able to change. I didn't belong in his world.

"Thank you again for the coffee." I slid my chair back, shrugging on my coat as I did. He sat speechless, probably not knowing what to say. Those blue eyes followed every movement, but his lips stayed idle. "Goodnight, Scott." I grabbed my empty cup and headed to the trash bin before making my way back to the door. I was stopped by a hand on my arm.

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