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I don't know if it was the medication, the blow to the head or just the experience of sleeping in a bed for the first time in recent memory, but every time I resolved to stay awake after my bihourly wakeup call and interrogation, I slipped right back into slumber within seconds.

When the sun finally crept through the inch of window that the heavy curtain had failed to cover, I finally felt that I could keep my eyes open for more than a couple of minutes. The problem was that my body was not in any mood to cooperate. I felt every breath and every tiny movement and I wondered if I would be able to even stand on my own two feet for more than a moment. Besides that, I could see the snow still falling outside and reality smashed into me. Where would I go? I'd never be able to survive without a coat or shelter for long and the last thing I wanted was to run into my assailants again. I mean, I knew some places I could probably hide out in, but without a coat or a blanket or anything, my chances of survival were mostly nonexistent.

Perhaps prison wouldn't be so bad after all. At least I'd have a roof over my head and food on a regular basis.

I'd more than likely end up the prison toy, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad?

No. I had made it just fine so far without resorting to that and I knew I'd lose all will to go on if I let it happen. I had to survive or die in peace.

I needed my clothes ... and I needed to run.

Easier said than done. My vision blurred as I lifted my head from the pillow and my body screamed in protest as I aggravated nearly every injury I had all at once. I had just managed to sit up before a knock on the door frame caught my attention and my plan immediately went down the drain.

Gwen had told me that he promised to come back, but I don't think I really believed her until he was there smiling at me once again,

"I was afraid you'd still be asleep."

"Sleep seems to be frowned upon at this establishment."

It was silly, but I closed my eyes when he laughed, attempting to permanently commit the sound to memory. I know I had a dumb smile on my face, but he still must have thought I was in pain because his laugh trailed off and I had to open my eyes to see why. He crossed the room to get closer, depositing a couple of cups of what appeared to be coffee on a table nearby and dragging the chair over to my bedside. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I got my ɑss thoroughly kicked, but I'm alive so... there's that." I slowly leaned back against the pillows as sitting up for an extended period of time had been a little like torture. I hissed as a set of stitches pulled and then grunted just a bit as I finally settled and relaxed.

His brow furrowed and I wanted to run my finger along the light crease in his forehead to smooth it out again. "Are they giving you anything for pain?"

"Yeah, but I can still feel it. It's not unbearable but... " I fumbled with the buttons on the bed to try and sit it up a little without the strain on my bruised muscles, but I went a little too far and had to angle it back down a little. Through the entire ordeal his eyes never left me and he moved to the edge of his seat as if ready to jump up and help the moment I needed it. And they say chivalry is dead.

"I'll talk to the nurse."

"It's fine."

I tried to brush it off with a quick wave of my hand, but he wasn't convinced, and I knew that he'd eventually push the subject. At least for that moment he let it go. "Oh. I brought you some tea. I don't know if you can have it, but I don't see why not."

"That actually sounds really good right now." He looked unsure when I made grabby hands for it, as if he wanted to wait for the ok from someone who wasn't me, but I played a little dirty and gave my best puppy dog eyes and he caved with minimal effort. His eye roll was negated by his smile as he passed me the warm cup and settled back in his chair and sipped at his own drink. There was a comfortable silence for a minute or so, but the moment I winced while reaching to put the cup on the little rolling tray next to me, his smile slipped again and he quickly took it from me before I had to reach any further.

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