Chapter Five:

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Natalie's POV:

"Can I talk to you?" Taehyung asked me.

"Sure." I said. We walked up to his room and Taehyung shut the door behind him.

"Can I change my clothes before we start talking?" I asked him.

"Of course." He chuckled. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out gym shorts and a regular t-shirt. As I was changing my clothes I noticed Taehyung staring. I turned to look at him, still in just my bra.

"What are you staring at?" I asked him sarcastically.  But he wasn't smiling. He got up and walked over to me, he took one hand and touched my stomach. When I gasped from pain he immediately pulled back.

"I'm so sorry Natalie... I'm going to make him pay for this... I promise." I saw a tear stream down his face. I grabbed him by his neck and gently placed his head on my shoulder.

"As long as I'm with you guys I'm fine." I kissed the side of his head. When he was done he stood up straight and walked over to his bed. He laid down and waited for me to lay beside him. So I did.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" He sat up at my question. I saw the indecisive state he was in so I sat up.

"I promise I won't be mad just tell me." I grabbed his hand. Omg if he's this nervous to tell me it must be pretty important. Am I going to have  live in that terrible other world? 

"Natalie I'm in love with you... I love you." He said. My heart stopped. I've been waiting for him to say those words and now that he said them I feel like I'm going to faint.

I smiled at him and tears came rushing out of my eyes. " I love you too Taehyung." I hugged him despite the pain I was in. Nothing in the world could make me happier than I am right now.

When we let go I stared at Taehyung's features. His eyes... His hair... His nose... His lips. I looked at his eyes again and noticed that they were staring at my lips. He started leaning closer to my face and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes and leaned it too. When our lips finally connected I felt a warm feeling that only he gives me. I know it sounds cheesy but that's how I actually feel. His lips are so soft and moist. I opened my eyes... But he looked different. There were marks on his face and his eyes were changing from brown to black. I touched his face and traced the marks.

"Your marks are beautiful." I said to him.

"You can see them?" He asked.


"So you really are in love with me." He chuckled.

"Of course I am." I kissed his cheek.

"So are you my girlfriend now?" He asked.

"That depends... Do you want me to be?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes." He chuckled.

I sat on Taehyung's lap facing him. "Okay then I'm your girlfriend." I kissed his nose. He put his hands around my waist and smiled at me.

"I'm so glad that you're finally mine... I've been waiting for this moment for a while now." He said cheerfully. "And now that we're together I can do this." He leaned in and kissed me once again. My lips touching his warm lips make me weak. He tightened his grip on my waist and deepened the kiss. He quickly switched our positions, I was laying down while he was on top of me. I noticed his kisses were more needy and lustful. He finally broke the kiss and trailed down to my neck. I let a small moan out when he found my special spot. I felt his hands move to my buttons and I stopped him.

"Tae not now I'm sorry." I said.

"It's fine, I guess I was getting a bit carried away." He smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, I'm just not ready for that right now."

" I understand." He kissed my forehead and helped me up. We held hands as we exited the room. When we were in the hallway we found Desi, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, Suho, Sehun, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Chen, Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Lay all with their heads against the wall listening to our conversation.

"I think we came up here for privacy." I whined but they all laughed.

"We knew what Taehyung wanted to say so we wanted to hear."  Chanyeol explained.

"Okay but you could of just waited for us to come out and you could've asked us." Taehyung replied.

"But you would've left things out." Baekhyun wriggled his eyebrows as he fist bumped Jungkook.

"Hey where's Kai, Angel, and Jimin." I asked.

BANG! There was a loud noise coming from outside, we all ran there as fast as we could.

Taehyung's POV:

We all got outside.

"I had her first Jimin just give her back!" I heard Kai yell. I looked over and saw Jimin with scratches on his face and Kai with a busted lip. I looked around some more and saw Angel sitting under a tree with her knees in her chest, covering her ears while closing her eyes and crying.

"I'll never give her to you!" Jimin replied angrily.  Kai looked like he was ready to kill someone. Kai teleported behind Jimin and grabbed him by his neck. He threw Jimin across the yard and he hit a tree. Jimin coughed out blood as he was getting up. Kai then teleported in front of Jimin and punched him numerous of times in the face, and stomach. Kai then teleported back to his spot. Jimin used his super speed and ran up to Kai. Jimin pinned Kai down really fast and started choking him as he was punching Kai in the gut. I watched as Kai's life started to slowly escape him.

"Stop it please!" Angel yelled in fear. Jimin stopped, but it was as if Kai heard nothing. There was pure hatred in Kai's eyes and it wouldn't go away until he either killed Jimin, or got Angel back. I felt Natalie's hand slip away from mine. Kai was about to kick Jimin when suddenly Natalie appeared in front of Jimin. She flew across the yard and hit the side of the concrete house. She stood up, blood covered my clothes and she coughed out blood. Kai's eyes suddenly soften and everybody ran towards her.

"Princess I'm so sorry." Kai bowed on his knees.

"It's fine... Now I've already had enough shit happen today and now this? You're both 'fighting for Angel's love' but you're hurting her in the process!" Natalie scolded them. "I don't want to see that ever again." She finished.

"Yes ma'am." They both said in unison.

Natalie walked over to me and smiled.
"That was dangerous." I said to her.

"I know but someone had to stop them." She replied.

"But there's different ways..." I noticed she was turning pale. "Are you oka-" She suddenly collapsed in my arms.
"Natalie!" I yelled. She wasn't waking up. "Lay I need your help!" I called to him through my tears.

"We need to take her up stairs and lay her down... It'll be easier." He informed. We made our way to my room and I laid her down gently on my bed."Please be okay." I whispered to her before kissing her forehead. "Take care of her lay." I said as I closed the door. I need her in my life... Please... She has to be okay... I wiped the tear that trailed down my face and made my way back outside. I needed some fresh air. I looked around and saw Angel sitting by herself. I walked up to her and sat next to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, even though I know it's a dump question.

"I will be soon... How about you?... Are you okay?" She asked me.

"I'm really worried about Natalie... I just hope she's okay.... Hey can I ask you a personal question?... It's okay if you don't want to answer it but... Why did Kai and you break up?" I looked at her after I was done with my question. I saw a tear stream down her face.

Angel looked at me.


Was Jimin and Kai's fight scene too much?? 😂

Sorry... Not sorry😘

Next chapter coming soon!

Love you guys!❤️

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