Addicted and no return

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Waking up on my couch was beyond strange for me and having an ice pack on my head was even stranger. What happened?

I look to my left and I see the tv on, even though the volume must be on 5 cause I can't hear it. I use my feet to slide my body backwards and up into a sitting position on my end of the couch. That is until I hear a loud groan followed by what can only be a curse word even though it wasn't in English.

"Cagar!!! noooooo" He yelled as he jumped up and crumpled to the floor. Scaring the pee out of me, I had no idea he was sitting on the other end of the couch, apparently with my feet near his crutch. I almost wanted to laugh seeing him kneeling down on my floor holding himself, his face scrunched up and breathing slow.

"Are you okay? I am so sorry miguel I didn't see you there." I said rubbing his back

" I said rubbing his back

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"I'm ok ...I'm good, ugggh...goddammit that was a direct hit girl....wooooo!" He exclaims jumping up and pacing back and forth. I imagine he is trying to walk off the pain.

I sit on the arm of the couch watching him slowly relax before he sit down on the cushion in front of me. " how did this happen? How can we be married and I not know? When and where did this occur?" I bombard him with questions

He takes a deep breath before speaking..." we met last July in Las Vegas, I think you were there for a Bachelorette weekend with some friends or something."

Thinking back I remember I did go to Vegas for my cousin Stacy's pretty wedding fiasco. Turned out that her soon to be was also there having a private party with three guys and a small woman he hired for his pleasure. Did you just get a mental image of what that looked like as well?, cringing just remembering when all hell broke loose that night.

"I don't remember you " I said
He nods his head in response, " I know....we had met two nights before your friends brought down the holy wrath on the lux hotel. I remember you came into suave, the night club I was already at because it is down stairs of my hotel. I saw when you walked in and I knew I wanted you then."

" leaving out all the small stuff, we danced...we drank..we left your friends and went to the chapel next door. Got hitched and consummated our union in my room all night. When I woke up the next morning you were gone. I found the marriage certificate later and went to investigate it.

I found out that we had managed to find a real legit clergy that actually married us with witnesses from his church. Not only are we really married , but it has been a year and we cannot apply to annul it." He says

"Not that I would want to be away from my wife again." He adds

" what I wanna know is why you don't remember any of this?" He asks

" I only remember when the fight broke out in my cousins hotel room and holding her back....I woke up in the hospital the next day with a concussion and thinking back now, the doctor said something about a small amount of amnesia would be normal." I answered

"Oh..."he responded while staring blankly for a second

" why did it take you so long to find me?" I asked him

He shrugs and answered, " everytime I wanted to focus on tracking you down something else required my attention abuela became ill and I traveled with my mom back to Puerto Rico so that she could help her." He states solemnly

"What happened?" I ask
" She died two months later and my mom had to stay and settle the funeral and legal affairs. I went back down to help her and bring her back. One we returned I was busy with my hotel and club business. Soo, here I am now." He states like I am just another check mark on his to do list

"OK, so what is it that have come to you want a divorce?" I ask him

A flash of confusion and anger run across his face before it quickly vanishes to be replaced by a smirk.
" I came for my wife, I want this marriage to you. I want it to work." He states firmly as he rises from the cushion.

I look up at him as he now towers over me and stretches out his body, I can't help but be hypnotized by the flexing of each and every muscle on his torso. He must have caught me staring because he chuckles and leans down to me ear and says..." this is all yours anytime you want it, that includes the heart on the inside." Kissed my cheek and walked into the kitchen.

I can't help but to be thankful that when I blush it does not show. This man's mouth is just as sinful as his body.

Omg,I really am considering this marriage to a complete stranger. He must have drugged me or something cause I gave it a second thought before and just replied SEE YA! To anyone else....smh...sigh...what to do.

He walks back into the living room and hands me water, I am finding it really hard not to like this guy. Ugggh....I narrow my eyes while watching him watch me, there has to be something bad about him somehow.

Time for my inner investigator to come out.

" How long are you here for?"
" a week."
" what are you hoping to accomplish in a week?"
" one...for you to fall for me enough that you will consider giving this marriage a try...two....that you will move back to Vegas with me in the house I bought after we got married."

"And F.Y.I. I don't believe in divorce so that is not an option." He adds bluntly

" you expect for me to fall for you in a week and move cross country, seriously?" I ask him

" why not we are already married and you fell for me enough in one night to do that." He smirks at me

Well that is no longer cute, now I just want to smack that expression off of his face.

" why is this so important to you?"

He let's out a loud sigh before speaking. ...." there hasn't been a day that I haven't thought of you and it was killing me that i couldn't immediately find you. Now more than before because I didn't even know you were hurt.

As stubborn as your trying to be I know you want me too. Besides our one year anniversary is in two days as well. It's time for Mrs DE Rosa." He concludes with a wink

"Hmm....something still doesn't feel right, how did you know I would be in that diner the day you found me?" I ask

" I didn't....That was pure fate." He says

" how did you kno......uh ooooh " I had a sinking feeling and everything became blurry before I blacked out I heard banging on my front door and yelling. It sounds like em, omg she is here to save me. Lights out

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