Duck and Cover

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Hi! Emma's a normal girl, except for one thing. She's a spy. Well, spy in training. She is your typical popular diva, but gets a serious reality check. Read on!

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Emma stepped through the door and into the room. She took a deep breath and inhaled the sharp scent of coffee. On one side of the room was a long counter that spanned the entire length of the wall. On the counter, in between a stainless steel sink and a huge bucket of paperclips, pencils, and pens, was a coffeemaker. The coffee fell into the pitcher drip by drip by drip. On the far side of the counter sat a mini refrigerator stuffed with Diet Cokes and Sprites. Next to it was a microwave oven, and next to that a box of microwave popcorn bags. On the wall opposite the door hung a corkboard covered in notices and coffee coupons.

"Oh, Emma! I'm glad you're here." A man in his mid-twenties in a Xavier T-shirt and sneakers entered the room.

"Hi, James," she said. "Is Miguel here yet?"

"Not yet, I don't think."

" 'Kay."

"Sit down," he said.

Emma walked toward the big round, metal table in the center of the room. That table was the only part of the room that she didn't like. It just seemed so out of place. Cold, hard, and threatening, smack dab in the middle of the warm, cozy room. She pulled out one of the many swivel chairs surrounding the table and sat down. James poured himself a cup of coffee and joined her.

"How've you been lately, Emma? Haven't seen you in a while."

"I've just been busy with school and stuff like that. Do you think that maybe you could convince the president to ban homework or something? That would make things a whole lot easier," she asked.


"I mean, being a secret agent isn't easy. Doubled with school and homework it's nearly impossible!"

"You're not an agent yet. You're still in training."

"Yeah, yeah."

The door swung open. "Hi, guys."

"Miguel, glad you finally showed up," Emma said.


"Apology accepted."

"So, what's the problem?" Miguel questioned.

"James?" Emma prompted.

"Right. Miguel, it seems that, uh, the Director doesn't see you fit to be a secret agent." James muttered.


"But," James began.

"But what!?"

"The director has agreed to give you a chance to redeem yourself. You, Emma, and a group of other learners have been given a mission." He held up three color photos of some of the other learners. "Do you remember Monica, Desmond, and Luke?"

"Nope," Miguel said, "not a one."

"Well," Emma began, "I remember Luke. And Monica. But that's it."

James slid the photos across the table. Emma immediately snatched up the one with Luke's picture on it. She noted that even though he was wearing his uniform, he still looked, oh, adorable!

"These three are waiting for you guys in the beanbag room. You will recieve the details there."

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