Chapter 2

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"Now I understand why so many people hate flying," CJ grumbled. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Oh, you big baby!" Mitchie laughed. "We haven't even gotten off the ground yet!"


Mitchie rolled her eyes. "Really, CJ? Come on, live a little! Enjoy it! Do you know how many epic failures there were-"

"Hold it. You know I can't stand the words 'epic fail'."

"Fine then.  Do you know how many disasters there were before engineers perfected flight?"

"Yeah, which is why I want to get off, right now."

"Not gonna happen, CJ.  You are staying on this plane and we are going to California!" Mitchie squealed.

CJ grunted in acknowledgement.

Mitchie smiled, "Good!"  She pulled the seat belt across her waist, listened for the click, and sat back in the seat.  She yawned as the pilot's voice came on over the intercom.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!  My name is Eric, and I'll be your pilot for today.  Should be a nice and easy flight, so feel free to unfastened your seat belts and move around once the overhead safety light goes off.  Enjoy the flight, and I'll see you in California!"

Mitchie applauded, along with most of the other passengers, glad to finally get going.  After a few moments, the safety lights blinked on, and she felt the plane rolling forward. "Here we go!"

CJ pressed himself back against the seat, terrified. "We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gon-"

"No we're not, silly!  Relax!  Enjoy it!"

"Fine.  I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die..."

"CJ would you shut up!  Please!  We're already off the ground!"

"We are?  Oh.  Right." He grinned, "I guess that wasn't so bad..."

"Mmhmm.  What did I tell you!?"

"Okay, okay, I surrender!  You win!"

"That's what I thought."  She smiled, then said, "Can you believe we got stuck with the worst possible identities?  Seriously?"

CJ gave her a horrified look, "Mitchie!  We can't talk about that!"

"Oh, come on, who's listening?" she said, smugly. "We can say whatever we want."

CJ glared at her.

She ignored him. "I mean, foster kids?  Come on!  Anything else would've been better."

"Mitchie, what?"

"Can you believe this?!  James said himself that we're the most experienced.  Why won't he treat us like it, huh?"

"Yeah, umm, okay Mitchie..."

"Orphans?  Really?!  You can't go any lower than that.  Orphans are orphans for a reason.  Nobody wants them." She smirked.

"Uh, okay Mitchie," CJ glanced up and saw that the seat belt light was turned off. "I'll be right back."  He stood up, and cautiously walked back to the restroom in the rear of the plane.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CJ punched the metal wall of the airplane restroom, and winced.  That hurt.  Who does Mitchie think she is!?  She doesn't even know!  She has no idea about anything!  Argh!  She has no idea...

He leaned against the wall, and slid down.  He sat, knees pulled up to his chin, head between his knees.  "She doesn't even know," he whispered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"I'm so excited," Amy squealed.

"Yes, Amy.  I kinda figured.  You've been eeping and eeking and I'm-so-excited-ing for the past ten minutes.  We get it!"  Cody said.

"I'm excited.  There's nothing wrong with being excited!  Sheesh, Cody!  Holly!  Do you think that being excited is a problem?"

Holly hesitated a moment before saying, "No, dear, it's not.  I'm quite excited myself, actually!"

Cody groaned, "Girls... They've always gotta make a big deal out of nothing."

"Oh, be quiet, Cody!" Amy laughed.

"Amy, Cody, come along now.  We're going to miss our flight."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well?  You like?  Sorry, I know this is a little shorter than Ch. 1, ah well.

The YouTube video over th------->>ere is what I was listenin' to while I was typing this up.  Check it out - it's awesome!!

Anyways!  Really hope you liked it!  Comment, vote?  I'll love you for-eevvaahh!  :-)

Bye now!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2012 ⏰

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