Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

All day Faelia, Merendes, and the two elflings walked through the market, looking at the wares from various cultures, but Faelia continuously felt like she was being watched she'd felt this way once before and she didn't like it very much.

She tried desperately not to ruin the mood but it was becoming increasingly difficult, luckily for her both Taiika and Legolas were beginning to complain about being bored and wanting to go home, so she suggested they go back so they could show Thranduil the things they had bought.

As they started walking she turned to one of the guards with them,

"I don't want to sound paranoid but all day I've been feeling like someone is watching us."

"Do not worry Faelia, we're all trained for this." He smiled at her but she didn't feel reassured in any way.

Back at the palace -

Legolas and Taiika ran straight for the throne room, both wanting to be the first one to show Thranduil their new toys.

"Ada look what I got." Legolas shouted enthusiastically as he opened the door running all the way to his father, Taiika was slower but still rushed over to where Thranduil was seated.

He allowed both children time to show him the toys they bought. He was surprised that they both had bought you weapons but said nothing knowing that neither child would be outdone by the other, so if one had a weapon so would the other.

After a while he shooed the elflings off to play their new game, they sat together but Taiika kept looking over at Thranduil, like she was attempting to get his attention, eventually he looked her way Faelia noticed a deep look of concentration on both their faces. They were talking to each other.

"Taiika, it's your turn again, why are you taking so long?" Legolas said impatiently.

Taiika and Thranduil snapped out of the conversation and she began to play the game again. Faelia walked over to Thranduil,

"What was that about?"

"Your daughter was just telling me something but we should discuss it later. Out of earshot of our little ones." He smiled reassuringly at her, she didn't like it but nodded her agreement.

"Of course, after they've gone to bed for the night." Faelia looked over at Taiika but her daughter was avoiding looking at her.

"Don't worry, Mellon nin, did you enjoy your time at the market?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Yes I did it was amazing. So many fantastic things to buy." She smiled. "Oh I almost forgot, they bought you a treat. Legolas why don't you get the treat you bought for your Ada."

"Yeah" he got up and shouted that he would be right back.

He came running back and rushed straight over to his father, Taiika followed and watched as Legolas thrust the gift into his fathers hands. It was a sticky cake,

"You love cakes Ada so we bought you biggest one they had."

Thranduil smiled at both of them,

"Le hannon (thank you) little ones. I'll save it for later, after we've eaten our evening meal."

Both elflings grinned and ran off to continue their game.

Thranduil turned his gaze on Faelia and held his hand out to her, she smiled and took his hand.

"Thank you Mellon nin."

"It was Legolas' idea he wanted to get you something because you were in meetings all day."

They sat in companionable silence listening to the elflings playing.

"I think it's probably about to get them some dinner, then we can have our little chat."

Upon hearing the word dinner, Legolas abandoned his game and rushed to the door.

"Come on, come on. I'm starving."

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