Chapter 17

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**dedicated to stay_street_fren_ for encouraging me to update xxx**

Phil's POV

"I will make another dinner," Dan announced, as we followed Camilla into the kitchen.

"Really? We didn't even finish the first one," I said.

"It will be cold by now."


"It does not taste the same."

Even though I thought this was ridiculous and a waste of food, I didn't say anything.

When we entered the kitchen, Camilla was sitting on one of the counters, picking at her nails. "I ordered food, while you were stalling out there. It'll be here in-" a ding came from the hallway, "oh, there it is!"

I was confused as to how the food came so quickly but glad, as it would mean less time with Camilla.

Dan rolled his eyes, as he went out to get the food. Camilla scanned her phone, before typing something and then putting it away. Gracefully jumping off the counter, she headed towards the dining room. I followed her. She paused to let me pass in front of her. I was confused.

She watched me as I chose a chair, and suddenly it clicked. It was a test. Or a challenge?

I tried to ignore her as I pulled out my chair from before.

Suddenly, her hand was over mine, stopping me. Yes, it was definitely a challenge.

"Sorry, sweetie, that's my chair," she claimed, pouting.

I gave her a glare, about to defend my honour, when Dan walked in.

"Hurry up, sit down."

She gave me a smirk, knowing I was defeated. I sighed, before walking round to the other side of the table. This is a better seat, I'm facing Dan, I tried to convince myself. Camilla elegantly slid into my old seat, next to Dan.

Dan opened the boxes and passed them around.

"So," Camilla started after taking a few tiny bites. "Flynn, was it?" she asked innocently.

Giving her a fake smile, I corrected her, "Phil."

"Phil. How did you meet Daniel? Are you also a lawyer?"

She was taunting me, I knew it.

"No, I interviewed him for a news article," I answered.

"Ah, you are a journalist? What newspaper do you work for?" She asked, feigning interest.

"The Daily Mail."

"Wow, how very interesting," she said in a phoney voice, letting her eyes flicker over me judgementally.

I narrowed my eyes at her in response. What a passive aggressive bitch.

Fine. Two can play this game, I thought.

"And how did you meet Dan? Perhaps through your husband?" I asked sweetly, leaning towards her.

"No," she said, her mouth settling into an unsatisfied frown, letting me know that I had won this round.

Dan looked down at his food, but I could still see the hint of a smile on his face. "Is the food okay?" he asked me.

Remembering the last time I had gotten this question wrong, I answered quickly. "Yeah, it's perfect."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, Dan," I told him with a smile.

"Oh, babe, you always used to do that with me, remember?" She asked, resting a delicate hand on his arm.

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