Chapter Thirty-Two: Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

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Chapter 32: Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

It took Harry a long time to fall asleep. He kept thinking about how Mad-eye Moody had spent the school year trapped in a trunk in the very room in which he was trying to sleep. When he stopped thinking about that, Lupin kept drifting into his mind.

Harry felt like he'd slept for about ten minutes before sunlight was beaming into his face. After washing in his bathroom, he pulled clean robes on, shoved his wand into a pocket, grabbed his Charms textbook (as it was first thing for him on Mondays) and headed down to breakfast.

He hadn't noticed how quiet it had been in his professor's quarters until he came down closer to the Great Hall. Even though it was early, the chatter was like a dull roar.

It took him no time to find Hermione and Ron.

"Mm, you could have told us you weren't going to be staying in the dorms," Ron said with his mouth full. Hermione was busy reading her Charms textbook and didn't look up.

"I didn't know until dinner. I'm staying where the Defense professors always stay."

As he said this, Ginny strolled in and sat down next to him.

"Morning," she said, pouring herself a glass of pumpkin juice. "Harry, you look like you haven't slept a wink."

"Thanks," Harry said, pouring juice for himself. Ginny scooped some eggs and bacon onto Harry's plate for him and then some for herself. "It was weird sleeping in that room."

"What, you afraid of the ghosts?" Ron asked.

"No, it's just... strange, that's all." Harry shook his head and shoved some scrambled eggs into his mouth.

"I could come down and keep you company," Ginny said quietly into Harry's ear. Though he tried not to show it, Harry was shocked by what she'd said. What did she mean by that?

"Oi, I heard that," Ron said. Hermione looked up from her book then and looked quizzically at Ginny. Ginny looked pointedly away from Hermione.

Harry ignored Ron. "I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," he said to Ginny as though she said such things all the time. "I'm not sure what the rules are about professors and students..."

"If you were caught doing anything untoward, you would be formally reprimanded and Ginny would get detention," Hermione said, turning a page to her Charms textbook and looking back down at it. "They revised the rules though. It used to be longer detention before we left. If it happens a second time, there has to be a formal hearing at the Ministry though, just as before."

"I think I'll take my chances," Ginny said shrugging. "I'm not planning to do anything untoward. It wouldn't be the first detention I ever served anyway. And, Harry's still a student, isn't he? What would that say about him having a wank?" Ron coughed on his eggs. Ginny ignored him, "Well think about it. Would he have to go before the Ministry since he'd be a professor and a student having--"

"Well," Hermione said, pursing her lips, "It's a good thing that you're of age, or Harry would lose his job and possibly be sent to Azkaban for statutory rape if you two were caught together. Even the first time."

Harry stared down at his plate, willing Hermione and Ginny to stop talking. "We won't be doing anything anyway. Ginny has made it clear—"

"It's too early in the morning to be talking about rape, Hermione. And that's my sister we're talking about. And Harry. Come on, now," Ron said.

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