Chapter Twenty-Nine: Clock Hand

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  Chapter 29: Clock Hand

"Ron, Ron wake up," Hermione said softly. She shook him awake. "It's nearly eleven. We have to get going."

"Mm, where are we?" Ron asked. He rubbed his eyes with the back of one of his hands.

"Australia. My parents, remember?"

"Oh, right. It feels like it's three in the morning..."

"It's more like two back in England." She slid off of the cot and tied her puffy hair back with her hairband. Slowly, Ron sat up and squinted up at her.

"Isn't it Friday? Will they even be home?"

"Well, I'm not sure if they've started jobs up again yet. We'll just have to find out."

"Let's go for a walk by the river here first," Ron said. He stood and stretched. "I need to wake up."

Hermione pursed her lips, "Alright, maybe a short one." She grabbed the beaded bag from the table and made quick work of packing up the tent. Ron took her free hand and together they walked toward the edge of the river.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit better. Headache is gone but my chest aches a little still."

Ron nodded solemnly.

"I think," Hermione said, breaking the silence between them, "if we follow this down far enough, we'll end up on the shore of the ocean."

"Lovely." They walked along the edge of the river. On the other side, a group of people were having a picnic. Ron looked over at them and they waved. He waved back.

"Do you know them?" Hermione asked, mildly amused.

"No," he said, grinning down at her. They walked along in quiet for a while longer. Ron spoke again, "Can you believe, after everything, that we made it out alive?"

"It is hard to believe. We were lucky."

"I thank God every day for you," Ron said. Pebbled crunched quietly under his feet. Hermione watched their feet as they walked. "I know I've never said it, not nearly enough, but you have to know, Hermione. You are everything to me. You're my best friend, the most beautiful, smartest person I know. I love you so much--if I'd lost you, it would have been like losing half of my own body."

"Ron... don't lay it on so thick or I'll have to assume--" But she stopped talking when she looked up at him. He stopped walking and grabbed her hand. She stopped and turned to face him.

"And," he said, kneeling down on the bank of the river. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small wooden box. Opening it, he turned it toward her. A diamond ring was perched inside. "I would be honored if you would marry me."

"Oh, Ron," Hermione whispered. Tears ran down her face as she smiled down at him. "I'd be honored to be your wife."

He took the ring out and slid it onto her finger. The group of picnickers across the river clapped and hooted when Ron stood and hugged her.

"Great Aunt Muriel gave me that on Bill and Fleur's wedding day to give to you," Ron said laughing quietly. He touched his forehead to Hermione's. "She saw the way I was looking at you and said she'd rather you have it than a French girl."

Hermione laughed. "Well, it's beautiful." She pulled him down and kissed him. "I love you," she whispered against his lips. He cut her words off by kissing her again. He was about to pull away but she pulled him closer and kissed him more deeply.

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