Aftertale! Kate x Male! Depressed! Reader

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~(I drew the top picture/ on with writing)

(Y/N)=Your name

(S/N)=Siblings name

(F/C)=Favorite color~

~Story Begin~
(Y/N)'s Pov

   I was acting depressed as usual as I was thinking of my dead brother/sister (S/N) and was crying slightly I had her (F/C) bandanna around my neck and didn't know I had a certain person staring at me...

Kate's Pov

   I was watching (Y/N) cause' I knew they were thinking about there dead sibling I was sad too for them cause' I too have family and friends I love that I lost.. I sat next to (Y/N) and hugged into them as they hugged back I said "Its ok you will see them again, sooner or later.." they hugged me tighter and stopped crying getting relaxed, they blushed cause' they noticed I hugged someone for the first time and I blushed too, we ended up kissing when we pulled away (Y/N) said "I love you.. even if I am depressed.." I said I loved you too and we hugged laying on the ground and falling asleep, we were ment to live happily ever after even if death was In the way~...

~The End~

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