Chapter 20

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I'm still against the door and his lips are still on mine. It starts to get a little more heated and faster and im under his control. .

'he's probably replacing Tiffy with you.'

'Harry brings a lot of girls to his apartement'

'There's a lot about him you dont know'

'If he tries anything on you, don't fall for it'

I pull back quickly and walk over to my bed. "what's wrong?" he speaks and he's still facing the door. I sit on the bed and grab the notebook.

"we can't do that" I tell him and start to write down questions for him to answer about himself.

"It was just a kiss, it's not that big of a deal." he turns and walks over to the bed to sit across from me, the same way before.

"to me it is.."

"people do it all of the time," this is awkward. way to awkward and the look in his face look as if he's hurt.

"look, I know its not a big deal to you because you're used to it and all but it is to me. I don't usually just start kissing people." he gets off of the bed quickly and i look up at him.

"excuse me?" he scoffs.

" I said you're used to this, I'm not." he grabs his notebook and shoves it into his bag.

"you don't know fucking shit about me." he yells. His eyes are turning dark again and my body trembles.

I can't let him yell at me like that. i know I shouldn't have said that but he's constantly cursing and yelling and im tired of it. i've had a lot happen to me ever since I moved here and I don't need this.

"you're right, I dont. Which is exactly why we shouldn't have done that!" I yell back. "You never talk about you, it's always me that you're asking about and everytime I ask you something you change the subject." I can't believe im yelling at him, he's so scary and secretive and who knows what he'd do if i get to loud or angry at him. His eyes get darker and he looks at the floor and then back up to look at me.

"maybe becauase you're always fucking complaining about your stupid ass nightmares. Seriously Beth, get the fuck over it." he yells back; i gasp and move off of my bed and he tries to move closer to me and i hold up my hand for him to stop. "I didn't-" he begins

"get out!" I yell and the tears start to come out of my eyes. He moves closer and I move back again, he tries to grab my arm and I pull it away. "Don't touch me and get the hell out" I grit my teeth. He stares at me for a couple of seconds before grabbing his bag and storming out of the door. As soon as I hear the front door slam shut I scream, literally scream my lungs out in frustration.

How can he say that to me? As soon as he said that my heart dropped and the tears began to fall. Out of all people, I thought he'd be the one to care..not practically call me a baby for having the nightmares.

The tears are pouring out of my eyes and I throw my books onto the floor and groan loudly. Just as they hit the floor there's a knock at me door. I told him to leave! I walk over to the door and open it quickly.

"I said leav-" oh. It's my mother. I wipe my tears quickly even though I know she knows something is wrong.

"What happened?" She walks in and shuts the door behind her.

"I thought you were going shopping." I avoid her question and she comes to sit on the bed next to me.

"I forgot my credit card on the counter. I was in the kitchen getting it when I saw Harry storm out of this house and slam the door shut." She tells me. I have to hurry up and think of an excuse. I start to cry again and she comes in closer and wraps her arm around me. She is never this caring towards me, it's weird but I like it.

"It's nothing. Um, his job called and told him that he needed to get to work. And I'm just having really bad cramps so I'm sort of happy he had to leave." Wow. That's a terrible excuse but she buys it. She pats my knee and walks into my bathroom to get some medicine for me to take. "Thanks" I say and smile to her.

"I'll go shopping in the morning. I'll go whip up some dinner" she smiles and walks out of the door.

I take the pills and swallow them using the water sitting on my bedside table.

My phone vibrates and it's Abby calling me. "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Bethany, sorry I'm calling so late but my parents wanted an answer now. They were wondering if you and your mom would join us for dinner tomorrow night." I would feel bad if I turn down the offer but I really don't want to see Harry. Wait, he doesn't live with them.

"That'd be great. Thanks for the invite, I'm sure my mom will be thrilled." I say into the speaker.

"Great! See you in school." She then hangs up the phone and I lock it. I go into my art room and grab a sketch pad and start drawing. I draw anything to get my mind off of things. It's kind of like my getaway, like an escape from reality for a moment and have my imagination take over.

I just wish that I could go back home. Back to California where I belong, where I actually had a life and could go out in the streets without being terrified of running into someone I wouldn't want to.


Dinner was quiet. I was still upset about what Harry said to me, ever since I met him it's been crazy. He hated me, we started becoming friends, then he says the most hurtful thing and I begin to not like him. I never say hate, hate is such a strong word with so much meaning. Almost like love, you can't say it unless you mean it. And I know that if I say I 'hate' Harry, I'd be lying to myself.

I hate the way he acts and I hate how he's so demanding but I would never hate him for him.

It's weird how that when he kissed me I felt something. I felt warm inside and nothing else mattered. The way his lips moved perfectly with mine, how the pace was slow and then started to get more fast. But I had to pull away, the words from Abby and Tiffy we're echoing through my mind, I don't want to be just one of his girls, I don't want to be anything towards him. And he obviously doesn't either.

I don't want to see him tomorrow. I don't want to go to school, I don't want to be around anyone. I just want to get a goodnight sleep for once and have a day to myself.

I go upstairs and change into my pajamas and getting under the covers to fall asleep.

(Sorry for the late update! I hope you enjoy this chapter 😊

5votes & 5comments for next chapter. 💞)

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