Sign up

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"Finally you got here young traveler. Go the front desk to sign up for the Knights Of Fantasy,"

"Hello please sign this form than post it to the board for our admins to look at. If you are accepted you will get a message supplying you with all of the info needed. Such as secret passwords or anything else our admins deem important,


Name: (real name or nick name or even Pen names are accepted)


Why you want to join:

Any past experience in groups:

Qualifications: (such as "how long have you been writing fantasy" or "how long have you been reading fantasy")

Trustworthy: (you need to tag 1 person who can vouch for you on this one)



"Ok so now that you have finished the form, let's talk about rules,"

1) Be kind, any disrespectful comment will be deleted at sight

2) if you are accepted and share the password with anyone else you will be kicked from the group and the password changed

3) do not through a fit if you are not accepted

4) if we are taking some time responding to your comment please don't be rude and nicely remind us a about you

5) password is: favourite food

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