Graphics designer.

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"Now traveler we are currently on the hunt for some graphic designers, we need a full time book cover designer. And some one to make us a icon and sash. If you are intrested or know anyone that would be intrested that would be helpful," The desk lady smiled at you. You can see the begging in her eyes, the need for a graphic designer. It pulls you to tell your friends or even help yourself. Must help drumming through your head.

What is this lady?

"Oh dear! I am very sorry sir/mam, I don't have much control over my abilities yet," She said. The urge started weakening. "But I mean if it helps I am very ready to urge you to get us a graphic designer," She pushed you another form:

Long term designer form:


Past experience:

Level: (mediocre, intermediate, or professional)



"Now that we got that out of the way let's talk about the icon and sash graphics. Our admins said they were thinking of a tiger face made out of swirls. But they said the designers have total creative freedom with the icon a sash. Now the sash they really wanted something metallic. Also like the metal of a knights armour. Maybe some sparks. Well that's all the ideas they gave me but remember you can do anything you think would fit. If you do plz send us a link to it in a messsage,"

Just as about your to leave the desk lady leaned in close to your ear and whispers "Also the password is your favorite color," she pulls away suddenly and looks back at her work. She looks like she trying to not look at you. You leave not worrying about it.

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