Unwanted Member

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Frostkit tore away from Amberkit's grip, leaving Amberkit with clawful of silver fur. Froskit looked down in horror at her blooded fur. Amberkit's eyes widened at the messy sight turn fled into the nursery, leaving her clan to fight for themselves.

What a nice leader.

"Frostkit!" Mistkit howled as she tore away from Patchkit's grip. "You are bleeding!"

That last word sent two kit Clans into chaos. Members of Frostclan gathered around their leader as Amberclan looked for their missing leader.

"Frostkit!" Bluestorm raced out of nowhere. "Frostkit, are you hurt?"

Boulderclaw raced after his mate.

"Its nothing," Frostkit insisted. "We go a little out of control."

"Don't scare me again." Bluestorm sighed. "I thought you fought a fox or something."

"I can," Frostkit announced. "Watch me!"

"Oh, no. You are not going to do that." Boulderclaw grabbed her and padded to the nursery.

"Get me down!" Frostkit howled. "My clan needs me."

"After you get some sleep," Boulderclaw said.

"I am not a little kit!" she complained but sleep sounded way too good for her liking. As soon as her head collided with soft moss, her eyes closed on their own.


"Frostkit," Rockkit was shaking her shoulder. "Wake up!"

"What?!" Frostkkit growled, annoyed. "And its Froststar."

"Mission," Rockkit hissed.

"By deputy Stormclaw?" Frostkit yawned getting up.

"Yeah, he wants to make sure you approve." Rockkit answered. "Come on!"

Frostkit sneaked out of the nursery den and stepped into the dark night. She could see her clan members huddled under the shadow of fallen oak tree.

"Froststar!" Stormkit nodded as she arrived. "You were waiting for you."

"What's this mission about?" Frostkit's ears purked up.

"You were wondering if we could hunt," Stormkit said. "That would show Heatherstar and Boulderclaw that we are much better than Amberclan."

"Let's discuss this farther in the clearing," Frostkit suggested and lead her clan inside the fallen tree that only kits could fit in to. She came up in the other side and headed to their usual meeting place, crack in the Great Oak that was concealed by bushes. She wiggled in the crack and waited others to do te same. They weren't allowed to go outside camp, but she figured this was safe enough. Plus, its only few steps from the camp.

"Okay, what about hunting?" Froststar asked when they had all gathered.

"I suggested that we hunt a mouse. That would show Heatherstar that we are better than Amberclan!" Stormkit suggested.

"Wouldn't it be dangerous?" Leafkit worried.

"I agree with Leafpetal," Rockkit spoke up.

"I agree with Stormclaw," Blazekit spoke up. "I would love to see the look on Amberstar's face."

Mistkit spoke up. "I agree with Leafpetal and Stormclaw. It is dangerous and a great opportunity to see Amberclan crushed. I felt it is really rushed. Don't you think?"

Frostkit spoke up. "I agree with Mistwing." She was furstrated with light gray kit for howling that Frostkit was hurt but Mistwing was also Frostclan's most valued thinker.

Suddenly scent of fox blasted in Frostkit's face. Her heart leapt up to her throat.



The snarl sent shivers down the kits spine.

"Froststar, what do we do now?" Stormkit squealed. "I am getting a feeling that this is not going to be pretty.

"When I say go, you guys run for it. Cpmprehend?" 

"What are you going to do?!"

"Do not question the leader." Frostkit snapped. She got ready to run. "GO!"

She shot directly toward the fox as her clanmates ran toward the safe heaven. She surprised the fox so much that it reared back. 

It did look ridiculous. A small thing lunging at full grown fox. Frostkit clawed the fox's ragged fur with her tiny claw, trying to district it. She got the fox's attention all right. The fox shook her off and lunged at her. Frostkit scampered to avoid the swirls of razor teeth that would have bitten her in half.

She tried to see if her clan mates made it. She was becoming unsure of herself every minute that ticked past. Now the fox seemed to be taunting her, moving its head side to side. It was a challenge and for long as Frostkit lived [which isn't that much] she had never backed away from a challenge. 

Frostkit lunged at the Fox.


Sowwy for the late update. *Guilty face*

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