The overbearing-animated-crusher-of-dreams

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"What are we doing next summer?" I asked her. "Why?" "Are we going on any vacations?" "I do want to go to New York" "Aren't we going to New York in the fall?" "I was hoping to, why?" "I want to go to Oregon. I want to go see Madi. I'll pay for my plane ticket!" "There's other places I'd rather go. I don't want to go to Oregon. Do you know how much a trip costs?" "That's why I offered to buy my plane ticket." "I thought you wanted to buy a computer." "I did, that's why I need to know if we can go to Oregon." "Maybe in a few years." Yeah right. Just like we were supposed to go to San Diego "in a few years." I'll get you a new bike "in a few years." We'll move out of the apartment "in a few years." The mold will clear up "in a few years." We can get you a new hamster "in a few years." I knew a trip to Oregon was a bit much to ask, but I'm offering to pay half of the biggest expense and I just want to see my best friend. I needed to get to Oregon. Whether she liked it, or not.

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