Chapter 3

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I walk thought the airport and walk to the taxi lane. I watch the cabs suspiciously before deciding to be the cool modern hip teen that I am, and summon an uber. It takes about 10 minutes to arrive. Once it pulls up, I put my bags in the back and hop into the back seat. It was nice for an uber, a comfortable 2014 Jeep wrangler.

"Hey girl, welcome to the party pod" A mid 20's girl says from the drivers seat as she applies a fresh coat of lipsick.

"Um Hi" I say, buckling up.

"Oh My God Is that THE Matthew Espinosa!" she gasps, eyes trained on the fancy Hummer Limo parked in front of the airport. I glance at the limo for a few seconds before turning back to my phone. The girl starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot, making sure to go extra slow by the limo. I stare at it as it passes. I see Matt getting in. I think he saw me because he waves in my direction and smiles. I smirk and roll up the window.

"OMG HE WAVED TO ME" The Uber driver screeches. I smile, trying not to laugh, and grab my phone to let my grandma know I was on my way.

We race down the Miami streets while listening to Jack and Jack music. Time seemed to blur because before I know it, I'm at my grandmas house.

"See ya later boo" the girl says, winking at me.

"Yeah... see ya" I say awkwardly.

"You look awfully familiar" She says, gazing at me with her red rimmed eyes.

Oh my god was she driving high?

"Umm I don't think so" I reply.


I slam the door and haul ass to my grandmas house, out of sight from the crazy uber driver.

After gaining my composure, I grab my suitcases and march to my grandmas front door. I ring the doorbell and wait for my grandma to welcome me in. After a few seconds, I hear the door unlock and open.

"G-MONEY!" I yell and run in to hug her.

"Hannah I've missed you so much! Come in come in!" My grandma says laughing.

I throw my bags on the floor and begin to inspect my grandmas house. Its been a long time since I've been here. After giving the house a once over, I return to the living room to retrieve my bags and bring them to the spare room that I have claimed as mine. Not bothering to unpack I just change into my sweats and an old sweatshirt and make my way to the kitchen. I poke my head in and see my grandma making her famous potato soup. Practically salivating, I quickly grab a bowl and the ladle and fill my bowl all the way to the top.

"Slow down Hannah! You dont want to make a mess" My grandma chuckles as she wipes a bit of soup that spilled.

I grin sheepishly and sit down at the table, quickly scooping the delicious soup into my mouth. I finish the bowl in 2 minutes flat and go for seconds. After finishing that, I go back to my room to read. I grab my iPad and decide to check Instagram on my private account, to keep the hate away. I get a notification, and curious, I clicked on it. @nashgrier has requested to follow you. Suspicious, I hit decline. Why does he want to follow me??? Last time I talked to him he practically raped me. I open up wattpad and, determined to forget all about todays events, soon get lost in the words of a very scandalous fanfiction.

I wake up to the sound of the ocean, the smell of the sea, and the feeling of relaxation. I could get used to this! I stretch really dramatic like and decide to get some breakfast. I walk into the kitchen, expecting a hot breakfast and granny to talk to but instead find a note.

Dear Hannah,

I went to the mall to get some clothes for me. I know you wanted to go but you crazy teenagers sleep forever! We will go some other time, I promise. There is left over soup in the fridge for lunch and I left the keys to you grandpas car in the key bowl for you to use.

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