The Day Everything Begins

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Im trying to keep this gender neutral as much as possible, so if i mess up a lot im sorry.

You've been here for 4 years. Unknowing the planets name, nor its location. 4 years ago soldiers came and kidnapped you, and for some reason only you, from your home.

"*sigh* Mom and Dad left me alone for a while to go shopping, and what do they want me to do? Clean! Im not their freaking butler or some crap."

Just as you finish your sentance, you got up to grab the broom, but a loud bang interrupted you.

"The heck was that?!"

You go out to see what it was, thinking something outside fell over. Little did you know, this would be the last time you see earth.

Once you got outside, you where met with a large ship and tons of alien soldier's. Once one spots you they all run towards you, capture you, and take you to a jail cell. When they threw you, your head hit the wall knocking you out.

When you reawaken, your laying on a dirt ground next to hundreds of diffrent aliens. From what you saw, you where the only human.

A purple alien looking thing started speaking

"Listen up! From today on, you work for me on this planet! There is no leaving or exeptions, you work until you die. You start now!"

The soldiers pulled you up and took you to a section and told you to start digging for a mineral you've never seen in your life.

*flashback over*

"(Y/N)!!" called your close alien friend Page


"What are you doing?! Get back to work or they'll throw you in that god forsaken cell again!"

"Ha I honestly dont care anymore."

"So you admit no ones going to come for us?"

"Thats not what i ment, i mean i dont care if they hurt me or-"

You where intrupted by one of the soldier's, "Hey! You two, get back to work! Unless you worthless peices of trash want to die," he said pointing his gun at you and Page.

Fed up with everything, how they treated you, how they spoke to you, it all was bulding up these 4 years, and you finally snaped.

"You know what! No! I refuse to do any thing for someone i dont know, or care about! Im tired of how you treat me and every one here! All u do is pont your stupid gun and tell us to work! You think your all big and tough with that gun of yours! Show me you know how to use it, you stupid brute!" (sorry idk im bad at flaming)

With your friends shocked expression, she whisper yells, "(Y/n)! What the hell are you doin-"

She was interrupted by running and sounds of the gun shooting.

"Catch me if you can!" You started laughing while running away from the soldier.

"They're going to die..." Page said in a scared but calm tone.


What do you guys think so far? This is my first story so idk if its all that good or not. Let me know any requests you have for this story. Idk XD bye bye. (500 words btw the next ones will be longer than this)

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