A New Life

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Stepping out of the healing pod, you had the shittiest head ache, so you decide to find somewhere to sit.

Looking around, you see no ones here and theres no where to sit, so you plant yourself on the ground.

"Awe man, I thought that thing heals you, not makes you feel like your going to die." You complained

"Well, you haven't really aten anything since you got here like, 2 days ago," someone said.

You shot up as fast as possible in a panic, making your head ache 10 times worse.

Once you where up and the pain somewhat went away, you realized it was just hunk. You calmed down and sat back down.

"I thought someone was going to kill me, you freaking scared me," you said.

"Heh, sorry. Hey come on, your probably starving." Hunk said with a huge smile on his face.

"Sure, it has been a while since ive had a satifing meal," recalling all the food that they gave you when you where a slave.

Hunk walked over and helped you up. Then together, both of you walk to the kitchen to get something to eat.

While walking you heard loud bickering coming from down the hall. You pause and sneak down to see what it was. Once you got to the door, not realizing it was an automatic door (idk what its called) it shot open. In a panic, you hid yourself next to the door. The bickering had stopped, you coverd your mouth, hoping no one would hear you.

"Whose there?!" someone, who you belived was Keith, shouted.

"Aaannd, you caught me..." You said walking from around the corner with your head hung low. "Heh, sorry i got curious."

"Oh, its (Y/n)," Lance, not realizing he was there, seductively said.

"Heh... Yeah, again sorry i was curious. I better go, im starving and hunk was showing me the way..." You started getting quiet, when you realized. "SHOOT, HUNK WAS SHOWING ME THE WAY! Sorry! I have to go!" You yelled running out the door.

Running as fast as you can down the hall way, hoping you remeberd where you were going. (btw idk the diffrence of where and were... Ik a 9th grader doesnt know the diffrence but im trying ok XD) As you turn a corner, you saw Hunk scratching his head, looking around confused.

"Hunk! Sorry i was curious and left you." You explained out of breath.

"Oh! It's ok, lets go." He responded

You and Hunk walk to the kitchen, surprisingly, without anymore distractions. You look around the kitchen for a refrigerator, but there wasnt one.

"Um... So wheres the food?"

"I'll make you something. Eatting the food here without someone who knows how to make it taste good, isnt the best idea." Hunk said with a smile.

"O-oh, thanks." You sat down, waiting for the food to be made.

Around 10 minutes later, Hunk walked up to you with a few bowls of, what looked somewhat like food. ( idk what episode it was but its like the food hunk made for lance and keith)

At first you were kind of nervous. It looked nothing like food to you. But once that fork went into your mouth, you knew it was the best meal you've ever had.

"This is so freaking good!!"

Just as you finished your sentence, Shiro walked in, and saw you eating the food hunk gave you like you havent had food in weeks. Although he was kind of concerned, he smiled at you, and giggled a bit.

Once you heard him giggle, you instantly stopped eating, and stared at him.

"W-what?" He said nervously.

"So pure," you whisped. Shiro couldnt hear it because he was to far, but hunk was closer and heard what you said.

Hunk started laughing like a maniac. Shiro was confused, and you were still staring at him.

Just before Shiro could say something, Lance and Keith then walked in, obviously mad at each other. They snapped you out of your trance. You looked and Hunk, who was now on the floor dying of laughter..

"Um, why is Hunk on the floor?" Lance asked.

"Th-they called *laughs hard* Shiro *laughs even harder* pure" Hunk finished.

Shiro blushed, while Lance starts to laugh with hunk, Keith confused.

"Oh my god (Y/n)!" Lance practically screamed while laughing.

Shiro sat down near you still blushing, and smiled a little bit.

"Sorry, it just kinda came out." you said nervous on how he would respond

"It's okay" Shiro said kind of awkwardly.

Hunk calmed down a bit, well enough to get him off the floor, and Lance was calmed, but still giggling, trying to explain what happend to a confused Keith. As hard as Lance tried, Keith still didn't understand.

You stared at the two for a minute, then whisperd something eltes:

"I ship it."

Hunk, who had just barely calmed down, was now on the floor again laughing. Shiro, sitting next to you, was trying his best to hold in his laugh. Key word, tried. The next second he was in tears laughing. Lance was in a full on blush, and keith... Well, keith was still confused.

"What the hell is with all this laughing!" Pidge yelled while storming in.

"Pidge!" Shiro managed to say through his laughing, "Language!"

"Pidge!" Hunk screamd/laughed, "(Y/n) is killing us! First*laughs*, they called Shiro pure. Next,*laughs again* they said that they shipped Lance and Keith." Hunk managed to say.

"Oh... My... God..." Pidge said shocked. "(Y/n) said the unspoken words of voltron."

You started to laugh after pidge said that. You smiled full heartedly. When you did everyone stopped and stared at you.

"W-what?" you said nervously with everyones eyes on you.

"Thats the fist time we've seen you laugh and smile since you've gotten here..." Pidge explained.

"Adorable," Keith practically whisperd but everyone still heard it.

You blushed, you felt the heat on your face, and tried to hide it with your hand.

"I second that." Lance said with a smirk

You blushed deeper. Now hiding you face with both hand, and smiling.

"They're even cuter when they're blushing!" Hunk yelled while picking you up and hugging you.

You started laughing again.

Shiro smiled and said "You seem more pure then me."

You looked at him and said, "Nah, no ones more pure than you Shiro."

Everyone started laughing again, even Keith. You joined them and thought about your new life with them and how awesome its going to be.

1000 words baby! My grammer sucks cuz i dont pay attention in English even though i should. Anyways i really like this chapter. Idk if im going to keep it this happy all the time tho, so prepare for heart break 😈 let me know what you guys think 💜💜

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