The Side Villian

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A month later...
I clung to the side of avenger tower. My feet placed against the glass and fingers typing away on my phone. My suit kept me on the slick glass window. One of the perks of being Venom. I also dropped the whole We are Venom thing, it just wasn't sending the right message. Well, to be perfectly honest, the message I was sending at the moment was, Venom stops the small crime as The Avengers worked out of the country. I was an honorable mention to everyone. This made it bad for my temper when kids at my school talked about the new pushover Venom. My dad has bailed me out of way to many detentions. This ment no super villain fighting while he was in Africa, which I've always wanted to visit. That was going to be a very hard rule to follow when I heard the Avenger tower alarm start to ring. The symbiote crawled in disgust as the vibrations shook it's body. I jumped into the window and ran through the tower to the elevator! "Jarvis! Where's the break in!"
"The lab sir," his robotic voice cooed calmly.
"No time to be calm Jarvis!"
"Quite right sir."

The door opened and I looked into the dark room. A man stood in the shadows, his face concealed by the darkness. He stood by the Anti-Venom container staring into the white creatures ooze-like body.
"Um I don't know who you are and I'm going to need to see some ID before I kick your ass."
"Wow," he laughed. "You act like you're big and tough when we both know you have just been stopping run away cars."
"Hey that hurts," I shot a web from my wrist. It attached itself to his brown leather jacket. I swing it down and he fell to the floor. I jumped up and gently collided with the ceiling. My fingers grasp the flat surface and I hung there. "Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave before anything bad happens."
"Trust me," he ripped the web off his back and raised his fist. "It already has." In a single punch the glass shattered and Antivenom attached itself to the man, making him a suit of white and black. His eyes were a magma shade of red. The symbiote screeched and leaped towards me. I ducked under him and willed Venom to weaponize. Wolverines claws sprang from my knuckles and I slashed the man's stomach. "Can I at least know your name?"
"Call me Carnivore." It bellowed in a low dual tone.
"Ok... could we trade names?" I threw a punch. He grabbed my fist and grew serrated claws. With a swift lung he dug the claws into my shoulder. I yowled in pain and kicked him under the chin. I looked at my wounded shoulder. The Venom symbiote writhed in pain as steam rose from its disintegrating body. "Ok, so I can't touch you and you can touch me... truss?"
"Fine." He grabbed my forearm. "Truss." He flung me over his shoulder. After flying through the air, I hit a wall and slumped to the ground. My eyes slowly closed as my wound burned. Dad's gonna kill me.

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