The next morning the bell started ringing, waking everyone up.
"Aw hell.. What time is it?" Grace mumbled from the bunk under ours. She was bunking with Nicole.
"7:30..." Someone else said. Grace groaned and I heard her pillow poof as she slammed her head into it.
Sophia squealed as the door slammed open sand Shadis stepped in, yelling at us all to 'get our lazy asses outta bed'.
This week, we had our Aptitude tests, to see how we handled using the harnesses on the three-dimensional manoeuvre gear. Naturally, some were instantly good at it, like Mikasa. She was amazingly skilled at it, holding perfect balance the whole time, said she did it every day. Sasha, Sophia and Kaydi were good too. It took Leah, Grace and Nicole a bit of getting used to before they could balance properly.
I wobbled a bit, then gained my natural balance back. I begun shifting my weight to either side of my body, the way you controlled the way you move. Everyone was really good, or, so I thought until later that evening.
I was sat with Leah, Marco, Sophia, Sasha, Grace and Jean in the mess hall for that evenings meal. At the table across from us was the trio from the Shiganshina district, Mikasa, Armin, and Eren. Yesterday he was ranting about how he would kill all the titans. He was currently sat in a daze, a white bandage wrapped around his head.
"Isn't that that Jaeger kid who said he'd kill all the titans?" Leah asked.
"Yeah, he fell on the 3DMG test, flipped upside down and banged his head on the floor." Sophia snikered.
I furrowed my eyebrows, feeling sorry for Eren.
The bell started raining to retire for the night. We continued with the Aptitude tests tomorrow. As we were headed to the barracks, Armin grabbed me by the shoulder.
"Hey, Corina, is it?" He asked. I stood about two inches taller than him.
I nodded, "Hi, Armin." I smiled at him.
"It's just a suggestion, but, don't you think you should cut your hair? It's really long, it'd make you am easy target for the titans, plus it'd get in the way of your training." He suggested, bunching up my hair into a 'ponytail'. It still went done to my shoulder blades even like that.
"That's a good idea, thanks Armin. I grinned at him and nodded. "See you tomorrow." I smiled, and went into the girls sleeping area.
My long, dark, curtain of hair was gone by the next morning and instead of falling to my mid back, it fell to my shoulderblades, that way I could tie it back and it wouldn't get in the way.
I caught Armin's gaze and he have me a thumbs up. I grinned back, thankful for his suggestion.
Today, for some reason, we were training with a partner. I was training with Nicole, Sophia with Bertholdt, Grace with Leah and Kaydi with Armin.
"Why are we doing this again?" I sighed, taking hold of the small wooded practice knife.
"I don't know. What does this have to do with killing titans?" Nicole asked, as she tripped me.
I hissed as I hit the ground right on my coxyc. "Alrighty, now it's your turn." I rubbed my behind as she pulled me from the dusty ground. I handed her the knife and stepped a couple of paces back. She ran at me and I held my hand out to block her, them swiped my leg under hers. She landed on the ground with a thud.
"Oh my god, look at Eren" She laughed, as she pointed to where Eren was. He was upside down, balancing on his shoulders and his legs bent right over his head. I snorted and pulled Nicole from the ground.
We laughed even more when we say Annie Leonhardt, a tiny 5" girl, land Reiner Braun, a 6" man beast in the exact same position as Eren.
We saw Sasha and Connie goofing off too, mock fighting each other.
"I really don't understand the point in this." I sighed.
Later we all found out we passed out aptitude test for the 3DMG, apart from Eren, who wanted to re-take his.
He was lifted up from the ground, hot himself upright for a couple of seconds, then spun upside down again. Shadis thought for a moment, before telling Thomas Wagner to swap belts with him. Eren was lifted on Thomas's belt and... and he was up in the air! Perfect balance. His belt was faulty! There were choruses all round of "so he managed to get upright on broken equipment?!"
Wow... He's one special kid!
Hi! Sorry it's so short, I wanted to update this :3 it'll get more interesting soon, I promise :D