Chapter 5: I Didn't Realize In Tell Now

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I choked on my tears. What have I done? I just kissed him. Now he'll never talk to me again. I ruined my friendship and any chance to talk to him again. I saw his face. He was completely frozen in shock. Gods, I'm such an idiot.

I heard a knock on my door but the last thing I wanted to do was talk to anyone. The knocking continued in tell someone began talking from the other side of the door.

"Percy, c'mon, open the door". It was Jason's voice. I gulped. How can he even talk to me? I wiped my stray tears and opened the door to a concerned Jason, without warning me he crashed his lips onto mine. My heart raced and my body froze in shock. My body spread with an electrifying feeling like no other and up close he smelled like rain and air and it was addicting. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I kissed back, the intense feeling getting even more intense. The warmth turning into a burning sensation. My whole body tingles from his touch and his lips tasted slightly like cinimon. His tongue slipped into my mouth as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt the electric feeling jolt up my spine in a pleasurable fashion. My whole body yearned for more.

I felt our tongues brushing aginst each other, exchanging flavors. I moaned into his mouth as his hand traveled slightly up the back of my shirt. His tongue explored my mouth and his hand traced my spine. My whole body felt tingly and I couldn't get enough of it. It was like an unstoppable drug and I wanted more. I ran my hand through his hair and let the moment take me away and pretended nothing else existed except us.

Sadly it ended eventually and as we parted a string of saliva was the only thing to keep us connected. We were both breathless and disheveled. Jason's shirt was slightly unbuttoned and his short blonde hair was a mess and he looked like he couldn't stop smiling. I didn't want reality to set in, the moment was too perfect.

"Percy, I like you, I really, really like you. The fact that I just realized this now kills me. After all this time I think I secretly always liked you. Your smile, your smirk, the way you throw your head back when you laugh and your eyes glisten and tears form at the corners of your eyes. God, I love you Percy" he said and it seemed so genuine that it made tears of joy roll down my cheeks. Jason carefully wiped them away with his finger and smiled lovingly at me. "I love you too Jason, all of you" I said, looking into his sky blue eyes.

We kissed again and it was just as amazing as before. I wrapped my legs around his waist and tangled my fingers in his hair and let all my problems drift away. Felt his hands traveling up my shirt making my body once again tingle from his soft touch and I tasted his sweet flavor and scent making me love him even more if that was possible. The world could have ended and nothing would have ruined this moment of pure bliss. Jason started kissing down my neck causing my neck to feel tingling and warm. In between kisses he'd tell me he loved me and every time I'd tell him I loved him too. He pressed his forehead against mine and he gently stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"Jason, what about Piper?" I asked, cringing, worried that I was ruining the perfect moment. "I'll break up with her" he said. I smiled. "Then I'll break up with Annabeth". He smiled. He kissed me softly once more. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you too" I whispered back. And with that we spent the rest of our lives together. Like it should've been.
The End

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