Carolines POV;
"Are you okay Caroline? What happend?" Kali asked.
"I need to find Alex".
I cried. I could feel blood dripping from my lip. I searched everywhere after Alex. I could bearly see because of all the tears that filled my eyes.
"Alex" I yelled.
"Caroline what happend" it was Zayn.
I stared at him for a long time and tried focusing on him.
"What the fuck do you think" I screamed in his face before I ran up the stairs.
"Alex" I yelled. He came out of a door.
"What is i...what happend" he asked.
I ran over to him and smashed my lips on his. I took my hands down his pants. He smelled like pot, but I didn't give a single fuck.
I woke up with the badest taste in my mouth I've ever had. I looked around the room with my eyes half closed. Alex was laying on the other side of the bed, sleeping. He snored a bit. I was naked, and so was he. I didn't recognize the room, so I took some random clothes that laid on the floor and walked out.
"Zayns house" I said to myself. I met an hall way full of empty bottles and cups.
I found my way back to my dorm. I found Liam and Kali laying in her bed together.
I looked at myself in the mirror. Blood was congealed on my lip, and half of the lip was swollen up to double size.
I laid down on my bed. Thoughts from yesterday streamed through my brain, one moment after one moment. When you wake up you don't remember much, but after a while you start seeing small minutes, and after a while, whole.
"We are the exact same Caroline. It's time to face the truth".
His words ran through my thoughts over and over again. A tear ran down my face. Not because of Niall, but because of me. How can I be so God damn stupid? I should have listen to my mother when she told me that he was not good for me, but I was in love. And love makes us blind...I've heard.
"Are you okay Caroline" Kali had woken up. She sat down on my bed side.
"Yes" I lied. Of course I'm not okay, but I'm not the one complaining.
"I'm so over that fucking idiot. I should have walked away from him months ago".
She didn't say anything. She probably had no idea what to say, and was afraid to say the wrong things.
I sat up in the bed. "So how did it go with you two" I tried being polite. It was hard.
"It was actually quite fun. I met a lot of new cool people, but I don't remember their name.." Liam said.
"You drank the whole God damn bottle" I said and Liam laughed.
"Oh one of them was called Zayn. We went for a walk I remember just laughing our asses off. He was english too" Liam looked excited.
"He is the one organizing the party. The owner of the house and Nialls best friend" It hurt saying his name.
"Oh.." Liam looked at me with a sad face by me mentioning Nialls name.
"His no good for you, you know that. You are so beautiful and kind and he is..."
I interuppted him. "A fucking dick" I finished his sentence.
"But I'm gonna go eat now. I'm starving as fuck. I'll see you later" I put on a little make up fast and changed into my own clothes.
I went to the food place I always went to when I was eating alone. It was the only place where it was acceptable to eat alone. I opened the door and looked around in the room. I noticed Zayn and Niall sitting at one of the boots.