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White light, burning my eyes. Four people stand in front of me, looking down. What do you want?!?! I think to myself. I try to sit up but my body fails me. What the hell!?!? I want to scream but my mouth won't move. I was scared. "We're losing her." A male voice said. They put an oxygen mask over my face. They then jab a needle into me. It hurts. Without warning, I drift of to a soundless sleep.

Since then, I've been arrested, bashed, assaulted and stolen from In order to escape from the House. My friend, Jayce, is just like me. 'Gifted.' My gift is much more, shall we say, advanced. So I practically took care of him. Let us begin with our story.

"Sup Jayce." I say as I sit down at the table with my hot soup in my hands. "Hey Temprence." Jayce said.

"Holy crap!" "What?" I ask.

"Dude, you've got a whole piece of chicken in your soup!"

"Keep you voice down, no. 2452!" Scowled the dinner watcher. stare in astonishment.

There right in front of me, floating in my soup, was a tiny, probably one inch piece of chicken. My mouth was watering just by looking at it.

I pulled it out and broke it in two.

"Under the table." I said to Jayce.

He nods and pretends to knock his spoon which made a large clang on the ground. He bends down and picks up the spoon and snatches the chicken. He wipes the spoon and smiles.

We share a wink. Mission accomplished.

I put the chicken in my mouth.

The taste is overwhelming. So good.

Now, to my soup.


Horrible, disgusting soup. I'm never that hungry anyways, so I tip it into the guy next to me bowl. No one ever want to eat it, but they do anyway.

But the guy next to me, he's a different story. Rumour has it that at one of he's check ups, he was stabbed with a giant needle that makes his tastebuds go to the highway. One time, Jayce even saw him eating a worm, because it looked so delicious. So now everyone gives him our soup.

Your probably wondering where the hell Jayce and I are, right?

Well, we are stuck in a abortion house.

It pretty much a house where babies that are, well, let's say, a miracle and they survive an abortion, there sent here because their parents don't want them. After that, their lab rats and always have doctors appointments, check ups and are never sick.

Sounds cool?

We rather die! Some of us go mad and scream at night.

Welcome to Idem House. Our home.

"Dinner is over, go to bed!" Screeches the dinner watcher.

Jayce and I share a room.

It's kinda weird because most of the girls and boys are separated into same sex roommates. But don't get me wrong, I love sharing a room with Jayce. He is such a sweet boy.

He is the typical 15 year old boy while I'm a typical 16 year old girl. Except that, were trapped together, we both survived death before we were even born and we have never been outside, ever.

Idem House has no windows, no doors, no skylights. It doesn't even have a crack in the bricks. We're taught everything that we know from here. We are all pale as a vampire.

We have a different religion than other people on the outside. It's very scary.

When Jayce and I were younger, he needed to pee and he was scared of the dark so I went and came with him. As we were coming back, we overheard one of the boys ministers talking to the head honcho of Idem House, Master Kranger.


"Yes, all we need is right here, all the numbers are even and will stay like that now. In the next 30 years, world domination is ours!" Minister Kranger speaks.

"Very good. Let's celebrate with a drink."

We start to move back to our beds but then hear a struggling groan. Jayce and I run back.

The next morning an announcement was made that one of our ministers died of food poisoning from last nights soup.

Only Jayce and I know the truth.


"Are you scared?" Jayce asks me. "About what's going to happen tomorrow?"

I smile because his voice was starting to break into maturity. I answer.

"Nah. It just another ordinary checkup. We will be fine."

I could tell he wasn't satisfied.

"Look, we've got the pills if need be, but I don't think we will need them." I confided. He nods.

"Ok. Oh and ah, thankyou for tonight." I tilted my head. "What for?" I asked.

"The chicken. Let me tell you the next time I have celery, we are sharing it. Or anything that isn't broken down or mushed up." I laugh.

"It's a date!"

I open the door and slam it shut.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

This is the only time were we don't have any cameras following us or eyes following us.


Hey y'all

I'm back!

Pls leave a comment on what I can do better, what picture I can use and anything that comes to your mind.

Hope u like it

Forever crazy

Rylee / Crazia

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