Chapter 3

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I'm so sorry people for not updating on a Friday. But school and stuff are being bitches to me right now. But If you want a preview of the next chapter you can Kik me at: angelanrodriguez. And I have to welcome my new editor for this story, AnysiaManderson.


 Here I am flying all the way to Cheshire to meet up with my mum. I really need her guidance on my life, there's just so much shit going on and I don't know if I'm making the right choices.

I actually had to be sneaky from management to get a plane ride back home but it was worth staying at a place where you thought your friends were.

Right now I just exited the terminal and let me tell you something: It feels so good walking out by yourself with people not noticing you're THE Harry Styles that stole millions of girls hearts. But I never wanted to be called that. I wanted to be simple like: Harry Styles, almost in his mid 30's and still a mommy's boy. Yeah, that's right.

"HAROLD STYLES STOP DAYDREAMING AND GIVE YOUR MUM A HUG!" My thoughts were cut short when I saw my mum waving her hands frantically around for me to notice her. That's my mum alright

"Mum! I've missed you so much! Hey Robin" I happily said bringing both of them in a group hug.

"Well, we should get going, traffic is a brewing" Robin said grabbing my suitcase and bringing it towards the car

"Well you heard him, let's go" Mum squealed grabbing me by the arm and dragging me inside the car.

* * * * *

 "Now, let's get down to business. Is there something you need to tell me?" By the way my mums voice is right now, she sounds disappointed.... in me?

"I know this is long over due" I took a deep breathe" But I found out almost 2 or 3 years ago that I have a daughter who's now 16 years old and is a popstar. And now she doesn't love me after what happened last time and she wants Liam to be her dad and not me. What do I do Mum? There's nothing I can do what should I d-" I was interrupted with a THUMP on my forehead

"Harry shut up and be a cautious adult, now what did you do to make her mad at you?" My Mum asked sitting up from her spot on the couch and faced me with curiosity written all over her face.After I told her about the constant abuse I did to her during the tour and even more beforehand, eventually she understood after the multiple smacks on the head and the occasional 'Harry I treated you better than this' lecture.

 "Now she wont even talk to me Mum I have no idea what to do!" I exclaimed burying my face in my hands with so much stress

"Hey now Harry you know all you have to do is talk to her and she'll understand. Answer all of her questions when she asks you about your past with you and her 'mom'. Anything to make her feel more comfortable with you and when you feel like you're ready, take her back with you." She said truthfully giving me hope in her eyes making me feel a bit better.

"Thanks Mum, but the thing about that, she can avoid me as much as she can and I cant do anything about it" I mumbled wiping my hands on the couch handles. I'm really stuck with this problem now.

BANG. A huge knock on the door scared the living shit out me, I looked at my Mum and noticed she had a calm face plastered on while I had a 'what the fuck' look on. How could she look so calm?

"I've missed this for 3 years Harry just watch" Mum said and on cue came in my next door neighbor, Anysia. My first crush and best friend.

"MRS. STYLES I'M SO SORRY I RAN OVER YOUR MAILBOX AGAIN. I WASN'T USED TO THE WHOLE ROAD LANE CHANGING THING HERE I HAVE MON- Harry?" Anysia said frozen right at her spot with her purse hanging out with cash.

"Anysia..." I said happily getting my butt off the couch and tackling her in a bear hug.

"Harry, I've missed you!" Anysia mumbled in my chest, I grew pretty tall ever since I was in the X factor. Yeah, it's been that long.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit you for so long, even when I promised..." I trailed off still holding her in my arms. This felt so good for some reason.

"It's fine Harry, I've occupied myself with a new job that was cut short due to a problem with my client, poor girl got shot during her last concert" She said and I stiffened just by that one sentence I knew she was talking about Darcy.

"Wait... you work as a?'  said unsure

"I'm a hair dresser for my Goddaughter Danielle Jones, she is so adorable for a 16 year old" Anysia trailed off. This could be it, the ticket to my trust back to Darcy

"Hey Anysia" I asked unlatching ourselves off of each other so we were face to face. Come to think of it, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Anysia. She grew up so much now, but she still has the same dark brown hair that reaches up to her waist and those hazel eyes that I can get lost in.

"yeah Harry?" She asked looking at me with concern, she's so cute.  Harry what are you talking about  concentrate.

"I was wondering when you'll get back to Danielle and the crew?" I asked cautiously

"Well, Paul texted me earlier saying that Danielle is in critical conditions and that we can come and visit her two weeks from now, but I have to go there in 5 days to clean up her things and bring it to her parents. Sad thing Mr. and Mrs. Jones were devastated to see their own daughter on stage for the first time just to get injured critically" She said sympathy laced in her tone. Darcy? My Darcy in critical conditions? How critical can it be?

Would it change everything in her life? Would I even get a chance to get her back? What could possibly go wrong? Little did I know, everything could go very wrong.

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