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I couldn't help but thank god when the bell rang, signalling the end of the fourth period

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I couldn't help but thank god when the bell rang, signalling the end of the fourth period. I mean come on! History can be pretty boring at times. No offences to history lovers.

I rushed towards the cafeteria to meet Chloe and Ari. They were sitting at the table which was three tables down the 'popular table'. I waved frantically to them and yelled out their names.

They glanced in my direction.
"Hey guys! Missed me?" I said with an ear splitting grin.
"You wish!" Chloe scowled.
"What's with your attitude?" I asked with an eye roll.
"Mr levers decided to read out Chloe's fantasy on how she wants to murder him with chopsticks". Ari snickered.
"Oh! And she got detention for 3days straight after school!" She continued and erupted into a fit of giggles with some snorting.
I couldn't help but join her, much to Chloe's dismay.

"W-why woul-d you-u-u do something like-e that?" I wheezed out.
"Shut up! You would do the Same thing if you were in my place! Do you have any idea how boring he is?! He doesn't even understand half the things he is explaining. So, I decided to be just a little..."she gave a evil smile that would make the ghost go pale too. Okay maybe am exaggerating this a little to much. She leaned towards us over the table. I saw Ari visibly gulp in fear. ".....but creative with my imagination and drew a sketch of me with a chopstick stuck in his heart with blood oozing out." She finished off with a grin.

"Why would you draw something so horrible?" Ari shrieked.

"Because I can."Chloe shrugged.

"Only you Chloe,only you." I tsked while shaking my head in amusement.

"You guys are being mean right now. You're supposed to be my best friends!" Chloe frowned.

"And you're a tad bit too dramatic for your own good. It doesn't help your bad girl persona  either." I stated while Ari hummed in agreement while chuckling.

"Both of you..." Chloe narrowed her eyes towards us. "I am going to...." Chloe was cut off  by the bell. Signalling the end of lunch.

"Save it for later, babes." Ari smirked.

"Come on guys, let's go, we have P.E. We don't want to be late or else Mrs grande will make us run 10 laps on the first day itself." I said in a rush.

We all ran towards the gym, which thank god was one minute away from the cafeteria. We rushed towards the locker to change. I took out my gym clothes which consisted white V-neck T- shirt and black shorts and a pair of black Nike shoes.

Three minutes later, we walked out of the locker room to see Coach yelling at the boys and girls to separate and line up. Girls on the right while boys on the left.

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