The Perfect Day From Hell

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As I walked excitedly home from the bus stop I couldn't help to feel how my life was about to change. I just had to go home and tell my amazing boyfriend Jake who should be getting off of work soon, maybe ill make an amazing dinner to top off my amazing news with him. As I'm walking up the stairs to our apartment I hear a lot of shuffling and muffled voices as I reach the top of the stairs I see jakes brother walk out, Jason, and whisper "shit" under his breath. I pause and the slowly start again. "Hey Jason...what's going on? Where's Jake?" "Ummm.." before he could say anything Jake walks to the door with his hands full of his stuff, "Oh shit..Mkenna...I didn't think you would be home so soon, did you figure out what that letter was about?" "Um yea I did its an amazing opportunity that I wanted to tell you about but it seems like you have your hands full, Jake what's going on here?" "Umm.." as he looks around like a panicked bunny trying to find its way out "Maybe you should come in and we'll talk, Jason take some of this stuff and take it to the house." Iv never seen Jason walk so fast in his life before and he hurried past me down the stairs, I glance at Jake and he looks terrified of me at this point. "Listen Mkenna we really need to talk about a few things, I wanted this to wait but I guess this is a better time then ever." He leads me inside of our train wreck of an apartment and sits me on the couch and he perches himself on the coffee table in front of me. "Jake, you need to tell me this instant what the fuck is going on!!" I'm becoming angrier the more he stutters and makes me wait to hear what he has to say "Jake I swear to god I'm gunna flip if you don't star..." "MKENNA I GOT SOMEBODY PREGNANT" As I'm looking at him I sort of became what you call psychotic. I'm looking at him with I'm sure a nasty gleam in my eyes as a smile slowly comes across my face. I start laughing a little bit, "Jake I would say that you better be fucking kidding me but the sight of this apartment right now has me believing you... how could you EVER think about cheating on me?? We had a fucking life together, I moved away from my family for you, I quit my job and we struggled when we first came here and you fucking cheat on me??!! Go.. get the fuck out of my house now and the rest of your shit will be nicely put out side." "But Mken" "NO don't say a word, get out now or your shit will be burned tomorrow. Get out." As I watch him leave he looks back at me with the guiltiest look on his face and tries to say something else but my look stops him, I get up as he walks out and slam the door behind him. I lock the deadbolt and the handle for good measure. I sat back down on the couch and started thinking. What did I do wrong? Did I not pay him enough attention? Did my food suck? Did I work to much? I just couldn't think of a good enough reason for him to do this to me. I turned on the to and just sat there until it got dark outside, I don't even know what I watched. As the sun set I decided maybe I should try to east something so I made a grilled cheese. I think I ate about 3 bites before the exhaustion from the day set in. I just couldn't believe that my perfect day was actually my perfect day from hell....

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