Who The F*** Is Sophia

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When I got home and ate my food I decided maybe I should text Jake and tell him we could meet tomorrow since class was short. "hey Jake, we can meet tomorrow around 3 so you can explain to me what happened, it won't change my mind but I want to hear it" I sat down my phone and made my little bed on the couch I hear my phone go off. "O.K. butterfly, tomorrow at our coffee shop @ 3:15?" "yea that works" I respond. I lay down and fall almost right to sleep. As I wake up in the morning I sort of regret telling him to meet me but I want to know what happened or how and I think I deserve and explanation. I throw on clothes and head out the door. Same as yesterday I find Nicole and we walk in and immediately start putting the final touches on our presentation. When Ms. Macintire comes in she starts with the pairs in the back and moves her way up. I personally believe that ours is the best but it's also ours so I would think that. When she calls us up Nicole looks nervous but I nudge her and smile letting her know it's okay. "O.K. girls please tell us what inspired this idea." "well the inspiration was the forest" Nicole starts "I think that the forest is the best place to sit and collect your ideas so my inspiration was the inspiration the forest gives me. This outfit is very flowy but form fitting at the same time, the skirt has a see threw top because while you can see everything it's like you see only what's in front of you. The skirt its self is about mid-thigh and the rest is touching the floor so it flows. The top is an off white and more form fitting so its comfortable but yet very flattering." Wow she seems so confident describing what she designs. "okay very good girls you can have a seat, give me a few minutes to decide what ones I think is the best," she sits all the drawings in front of her and takes about 5 mins before she stands up. "I have decided that Joanna's and Gabby's drawing will make it and also McKenna's and Nicole's." I look over at Nicole and give her a look that says holy crap we made it!! "the rest of the girls try to split evenly between the 2 groups and then tomorrow we will start to put them together. Someone will get an email tomorrow so someone will be missing in the morning. Have a good night everyone." Nicole looks at me and gives me a big hug "thank you for pairing with me! I never would have made it without you, thank you thank you thank you!!! With a giggle I tell her "your welcome Nicole but we both did it." I glace at my phone and its 3:04 "crap I have to go! I'll see you tomorrow Nicole!!" I run out to the bus and take the next stop to the coffee shop. I make it there and look around but I don't see Jake yet. I go up to the counter to order a coffee "hello my name is Sophia, what can I get for you today." "hello can I just get a blueberry coffee with cream and sugar, a small please" "no problem it'll be 1.76$ and it'll be done soon." "okay thank you." I grab my coffee and have seat in the corner and wait for Jake. I hear my phone go off. Jake: hey I'm running late be there in 5. Me: okay I'm in the corner booth. I browse Facebook for a while until he gets there. "hey Mkenna, how are you?" "I'm good considering" "I'm glad to hear, can I know what that letter was about? You didn't get a chance to tell me the other day..." "yea it was to work with the model Macintire to become a designer" "OH MY GOD MKENNA THAT'S AWESOME!!" he sounds so excited but that's not what were here for. "yea it is, but that's not why I'm here right now you own me an explanation." "yea I know, I don't even know where to start... it's just all such a huge mistake. You see I met this girl and she was flirting with me and I figured hey flirting is nothing, so I flirted back every time I saw her but never thought anything of it, then the one night when I went with the boys I saw her and I was a little too drunk and ended up going home with her and you know one thing led to another and then she called me and she told me she was pregnant and I didn't know what else to do, so I packed my stuff and I'm with my mom. I know you wouldn't want to see me anymore and I'm so sorry butterfly." I sat there and looked into his light brown eyes filled with guilt and saw he really was sorry but I couldn't forgive him, not yet. So I ask "what's her name do I know her? "He replied with yea you kind of you do, its Sophia up there at the counter." As he gestures to her and my world just started falling down...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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